I'm starting to get ready to start thinking about possibly starting to consider christmas preparations. I promised myself that this year I am going to get this shit done sooner. And by sooner, I mean get it all done by Dec. 22 instead of Dec. 24. Yup, I'm a real go-getter.
But I can't decide...
Should I start by baking cookies and freezing them?

Or maybe I'll just make a ton of cookie dough and eat it raw until it makes me puke at 2:30 in the morning, right when Mom & Dad finally kicked out drunk uncle Ted and went to sleep.
Or maybe I shouldn't have been taking nips off of Dad's cocktail there on the table, but it sure makes baking fun! Look at me- don't I look like I'm having fun?
Or, should I schedule my visit with Santa before the lines get too long?

I like to pay extra for a little extra "face time" on the old guy's lap. My favorite part is when Santa lets me dig around in his pants pocket to find my "special" present. Funny thing is, I never get to take the wiggle worm home. Santa says that it will be safer with him. Oh well, he promised me that I would be getting that
Mouse Trap game I want so bad, so that's o.k. with me.
Or maybe I could just sit here and pick crap out of my teeth while the rest of you run around shopping like crazy people. What's that in there- spinach?
I made a list today of people I need to buy presents for. So far I have bought nothing. Ugh. Also, you look just a little TOO happy in that first picture. Sugar high!
I'm coming over for the raw cookie dough part.
I'm quite sure we had the same chairs in our kitchen, and the same macrame plant holder, too.
Ok, we so need to compare childhood pics. I'm pretty sure I have that same patchwork dress.
Note how I skipped over the thinking about Christmas part...yeah not ready to start thinking about all that quite yet...so thank you.
I wrapped presents last night - so I'm way ahead of the game. In fact, I'm going to unwrap the remote controlled trash truck and play with it. What's my nephew going to do to me? He's 2.
Great pictures. Wiggle worm!? You are a nut!!
Too cute! My favorite picture of me with Santa is me running away from him, screaming.
too cute.....starting freezing
Did you ever have to pay drunk Uncle Ted for "face time?"
Sweet...believe it or not, I have started shopping for christmas presents as early as june...so now, I'm like 70% of my list already...it just keeps increasing though as the season gets near... :D
Cute pics...btw.
Ashtrays and macramé in the kitchen. *sigh* I heart me some 70s.
I am holding myself back with the Christmas thing. The timing is synched to the Vienna Christmas Markets. I will start decorating one week after they start. For me the prep is not 22. instead of 24. but November instead of October. :) And then I go home and decorate my parents home, since they both don't really care about decorating. Heathens!
How are you people already preparing for Christmas? I can't even wrap my head around it being November!
Classic pix, I love those old shots like that. We have tons of them too taken on those POS Kodak cameras. I'm going to get started early too, I love the Holidaze.
You have not really changed.
And I love me some mousetrap. What a great game.
Oh screw the game, I just always loved the mousetrap part.
Yes... the game is THAT old. And hey where the hell were you on Monday? DCap made me drink extra drinks and have two desserts when you did not show up!
I love how there's a picture IN the picture that looks LIKE the picture. (The santa one.) Too cool. But...I don't think that was the real Santa. Just sayin. You do look like you're having a blast in the cookie picture, though! I think I'll try drinking while we make cookies this year. It'll probably be much more fun for the kids, anyway. No more of that "KEEP THE SPRINKLES ON YOUR PLATE!!!" nonsense.
Even though I'm a Christmas goon, I'm having a little bit of a hard time getting "In the mood" this year. I'm already listening to Lite FM. But I'm not quite Un-Scrooged yet (I still swear at the radio when they play the Eurythmics singing christmas songs), but I'm working on it. I plan to use my week off next week to fully delve into the Christmas spirit. Decorating, bell ringing, christmas carols - and of course, adding more cookies to my ass. Or maybe just cookie dough.
The only bad thing about Mousetrap was that it assembled the same way each time. I saw the commercial and thought you could build all kinds of crazy shite with it. What a letdown.
I too have one of those weird pics like yours with the spinach tooth picking, only mine is wiping milk off my lip--my whole family says I'm picking my nose, just to piss me off.
This was funny. I hope the santa part wasn't true for you though.
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