For what seems like 10 years now, we here at VonPartypants headquarters have been toiling on what has been dubbed "Operation Fix This Fucking House"- a full on renovation & redecorating effort that looks to be nearing an end sometime in August...of 2025.
Well, I am ever so proud/embarrassed to say that we have finally finished another room- the very room that was the main reason that we started all this nonsense in the first place: Crapper #1.
Crapper #1 was truly, truly fugtacular. Actually, "fugly" isn't really even strong enough for this abomination. The walls & tile were that color that Crayola used to call "flesh" (what do they call that color now? "White Folk"?), and the trim was the color of poo the day after eating too many beets. I tried gussying things up over the years, but how horrifying that we lived with THIS grossness for way, way too long:
(I'd like to say that the light looking like that was a recent thing, but we had the house re-wired over 2 years ago. So...yeah.)
(You can see I just kind of gave up here. By now we had a 2nd crapper and I pretty much just ignored Crapper #1)
The beginning of the demo.
New and improved! And cute! I'm not scared to pee in there now!
The shelf is lined in cedar- that was an idea of the Mr's I was skeptical of, but it looks great & smells fantastic.
The thing on top of the radiator is a padded landing for the kitties- I knew they'd jump up there no matter what, so I decided to make it more comfy for their furry little behinds.
So. Much. Tiling.
I'm in deep, deep love with the mosaic on the floor. If you're ever in the market, Modwalls has REALLY cool tiles (not just mosaics) at really great prices. Highly recommended.
I thought things were getting a bit too masculine in there, so I bought this print on Etsy. I call it "Bunny Vagina"
More stuff on the walls. My Crazy Cat Lady influence stretches far and wide at the VonPartypants Estate. You can't walk two feet in here without running into something pussy-related. Next week I'll show you my vast collection of cat-themed embroidered sweatshirts.
We really only have one room left in OFTFH: the kitchen.
OH, and the back porch.
And the front porch.
And the scary basement.
And the guest room.