Not wanting to leave a Friday post that reeks of me scowling and pointing angrily at the computer, I decided to come back and say hey.
I'm really not pissed- it was kind of nice to finally pop my "anonymous asshole" cherry. (Wait, didn't I do that once at a party in 1989? Um, nevermind...)
(cat pictured is not Pooter, just to clarify.)
I knew It would happen eventually, I just thought I'd maybe get a box of chocolates or an FTD "dirty whore" bouquet as a parting gift. Or at least an STD of some sort. Nothing says "remember me" more than a case of crabs.
But I digress.
I am finishing my work week today, and looking forward to a luxurious 3-day weekend.
I have no plans.
This is where y'all come in.
I need something to entertain myself this weekend: whether it is a trip to a local oddity/museum, a must-see/must-do event, a blog-post you'd like to see, a picture you'd like me to take, something you'd like me to try doing-
Help me help myself. Help me entertain me.
(Do, however keep in mind that it is going to be cold enough here to freeze spit in mid-air this weekend, so try and limit the outdoor activity to that which takes less than an hour.)
I may have to limit it to however many I can actually fit in the weekend while still having a bit of "laying around playing with my Pooter time" (You're lying if you didn't see that joke coming), but I'll try and accommodate as many as I can.
Put your thinking caps on & give me some ideas, folks.
I'm hoping you accurately recreate that jazzhands picture, starring you instead of the cat... but you'll never find a beer can as tall as you.
If you do, however, I'll be right over! Because I have a 3-day weekend too. Working in Higher Education rocks!
Well. If I were you and living in the Twin Cities, I would go to the Guthrie this weekend. I'm kind of a nerd like that.
Because I'm all about the snacks, I suggest that you bake something wonderful and photograph it so we can all drool at our desks on Monday...and include the recipe, of course. ;)
So far, all very good ideas...
I'm off to find a giant can of beer.
For the picture, duh.
I'd reccomend doing a guest post for me. Because I'm feeling lazy.
And make some hot cocoa and read a book. That's what I'll be doing. Oh wait, you didn't say you wanted a lame weekend. My bad
Oooh, I almost forgot it was a three day weekend! I would like to see pictures of the oddest midwestern locations you can find, since my only point of midwest reference is Cincinatti, which I hated. Oh, and Chicago, which I also did not have any fondness for, despite everyone else who says they love Chicago. Make me love the midwest!
I would like you to sincerely give your best shot at freezing your spit in mid-air. And I want photographic evidence. Thank you.
AND! Thank you for my postcard which I think I rudely neglected to acknowledge. I lurve it! If I did indeed thank you already, my apologies for being retarded. I have pregnancy brain. Yes you heard me right. I'm three months with bun!! (Um hum, I've gone to the dark side)
i was just thinking about this yesterday. how about an update in the "dating, mating and whiskey" series?
I dont' know if this has been said before, I didn't read the other comments, but I want to see a pic of you and pooter dressed alike or to *match* ie: salt/pepper, table/gum under table...etc..
Stefanie mentioned that the pond hockey championships are going on this weekend. I recommend going to that and as a souvenir, taking a picture of a hockey player with missing teeth.
I'd like a food and recipe kinda post because I can't think of anything to make for my out of town guests this weekend and they want a mexican bbq. Also, many pictures of the new cat. And hmm. Snow. I want some pictures of snow. By the way, I have a cousin called Pooter, and I wish I were kidding about that. It isn't her real name, thank the lord, but everyone calls her that.
Hmm, well, I visited the St. Paul area about 3 years ago. Albeit, it was in the summertime, but one of the places we went to see is Madison Island over in Wisconsin, one of the Apostle Islands. I heard that when that part of the lake freezes over that people sometimes use a beater car to drive over the ice to the island. Now that would be a picture worth seeing.
Also, I visited Fort Something where two rivers meet: the Mississippi and Minnesota? also went to a neat camping/park like area that was down under a bridge. No idea what it was called. But it was somewhere near SPM.
Winter pictures of those areas would be nice, if you can stand the cold. :)
I would like you to fully research the Crazy Tom Cruise Scientology crap that is all over the internet. I can't find the one where he says he saved the 9/11 firefighters.
i just KNOW we're going to be treated to potter and you in costumes!! i can hardly stand the wait. maybe matching leopard print?
...um, see what joke coming?
I want to see you in the snow wearing a bathing suit. Or perhaps a post, with pictures, about making toast over an open fire.
On the Pooter joke, I was wondering when you'd get around to it.
Do you think you could talk someone into sticking their tongue to a flagpole and photographing it? If not, I vote for the next in the Dating, Mating, and Whiskey series.
I also think you should meet my friends cK and Hulles in the Happy Gnome this weekend. You guys would definitely have something to write about afterwards.
I would like to see you do a photo-essay recreating the super fabulous weekend Billy Joel and his child bride are sure to have.
I think you should call Ian. Catch is, he's in Ireland now. He would drop dead from excitement, and you could probably talk to his crazy Irish mom (and one or more of his 9 siblings) on the phone too. I'll email the number. Then, you can write a whole blog post about it, because I guarantee there will be enough material there!
I was going to suggest you go to the "Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run & Icebox Days" in International Falls but it's very far away. Instead go to Minnehaha Park and take a picture of the frozen falls with you trying to freeze spit. Just a thought.
Or stay home and play with Pooter. Stay warm.
I'd like for you to fly down here and help me clean out the garage. Wouldn't that be fun? Whiskeymarie? Hello?
i want to see how many "new" mixed-drink combos you come up with this weekend.
you know i'm all about the alcohol and don't you disappoint me!
CDP is onto something with the Dating, Mating and Whiskey idea.
But what Pooter joke?
motorhead is always nice
You know, you could zip down to LaCrosse where they have six large silos painted like beer cans (City Brewery - usetabe Old Style). You could dress up and get your picture taken there.
And then get stinky drunk at any one of the four zillion bars on 3rd street.
I would meet you there, but that's what I did last weekend.
Birdwatcher's Digest recommends checking your feeders and watching for unusual visitors.
if you are real ambitious you can come the New York and help me paint my bathroom
ps -- dinner is on me!
When it's really cold, get a pal to spit from a high ledge. You will be below to get the pic of the spit freezing.(don't stand directly below your pal)
more halloween costumes, PLEASE! yours are the best...
3-day weekend, must be nice. We don't get Monday off. Looks like your list is pretty healthy WM.
P.S. Add rebuild that bridge that fell down to your list. :)
Oh, how did I miss this?? Oh, well...I can't wait to see you do all of these things. Also, I may eventually steal this idea, if it's okay. :)
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