Monday, May 18, 2009

What's that smell? Are you cooking bacon again?

Things I cooked this weekend:

My Fucking Awesome chocolate chip cookies-

My Mac & Cheez, or as I like to call it, "Crack n' Cheez" cause it's so stinking addictive-

Homemade pizza with spinach/jalapeno pesto, black beans, corn, peppers, spicy sausage, monterey jack & goat cheese (this is the "before", as usual I forgot the "after")-

And my summer specialty, "crispy epidermis a la sunshine sans sunscreen"-


(It looks/feels much worse in person, trust me.)



Fancy Schmancy said...

Hasn't anyone told you you're not supposed to rub the grease all over your body and then go out in the sun?

Craig said...

Not only are you babealicious, you are g*d d@mn funny!

Dr Zibbs said...

Is that a new tattoo? I don't recall ever seeing that.

Looks hot.

SkylersDad said...

Ouch, ouch, ouch! My English heritage can feel your pain. It only takes me about 20 minutes to burn.

John said...

FACC Cookies!!!!

disclaimer - acronym not to be confused with "feck" or the queen mother "f dash-dash-dash" word.You're so awesome, Whiskeymarie. : )

kirby said...

Oh Whiskeymarie, you put the sizzle in summer.

Sundar said...

white pizza! fav. i would have loved the after pic, although i make these types of pizzas that are known to be of some acclaim in my circles. (i also use roccotta).

Kim said...

I wouldn't be offended if you posted the recipe for the crack 'n cheese. In fact I would offer to rub lotion all over your poor fried up skin. Wow, that sounded so totally inappropriate and wrong. Even moreso than usual!

diatribes and dish said...

Oh wait ... hyperlink ... never mind.

diatribes and dish said...

Recipe for crack & cheese ... yes, please.

domboy said...

Have you tried bitter melon on pizza? Or bitter melon on almost anything, it's such an amazing vegetable.

Stacey said...

Oh you're such a tease.

You know how yesterday I said that pictorial was the best thank you.

I'm thinking the chocolate chip cookies would work nicely in that capacity too

i am playing outside said...

oh my god. please come cook for me. sunday-saturday. until you die.

Student/Teacher said...

Oh man I want that all in my mouth. And then in my hair.

Your food, not your sunburn.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Food pron and Whiskeymarie skin, what more could a fanboy ask for?

Lollie said...

If you don't meet me at Frost on June 28th with a Tupperware full of that crack and cheese, I'm going to cry. Just giving you a heads up.

ekc said...

If you haven't already, try cooking the pizza on the BBQ - it is fantastic, great for cooking outside on a nice day and going to be my summer staple. Just ask D&D. Of course, better to do with only 2 glasses of vino in you, rather than the whole bottle - speaking from experience.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

oh Whiskey, done ever so expertly. A smorgasboard (sp?) of food porn for the foodies and a wee bit of soft porn for the rest!

Gwen said...

You're sending a batch of those cookies for my birthday, right?


Oh, also, your giftie should go in the mail tomorrow. ;) You're gonna love it!

Distributorcap said...

um - i am having a party and i need a chef

Mr. Condescending said...

the cookies look tassssty!

LegalMist said...

mmmmm... mac 'n' cheez... mmmm

chocolate chip cookies.... mmmmm

Oh great. Now I'm drooling all over my keyboard *and* possessed with the insane desire to go bake cookies at 1:00 a.m.!

I have to stop reading your blog at bed time. :)

Gramps said...

Granny does the crispy epidermis thing every summer. She rarely uses sunscreen, but expects us to baby her when she's in pain! What's up with that?