I promised this to a few of you, so I thought I'd just post it.
A few tips:
*When you add the macaroni to the cheese sauce, it will seem runny. Let it sit a while- the pasta will absorb some of the liquid, plus it will get thicker when it bakes.
*This is a HUGE recipe, enough to make 2 large casserole dishes. Enough for a crowd. Feel free to cut it in half.
*You need to use SOME american cheese in this, but go ahead and use any combination of cheeses for the other two. I have used $27/pound aged romano, smoked gouda, aged goat, Irish cheddar, pepperjack, Cotswald cheddar with chives, etc... it's all good. I know it seems sacrilidge to mix american with fancy cheese, but trust me- I've made this a million times and it's totally necessary.
A few tips:
*When you add the macaroni to the cheese sauce, it will seem runny. Let it sit a while- the pasta will absorb some of the liquid, plus it will get thicker when it bakes.
*This is a HUGE recipe, enough to make 2 large casserole dishes. Enough for a crowd. Feel free to cut it in half.
*You need to use SOME american cheese in this, but go ahead and use any combination of cheeses for the other two. I have used $27/pound aged romano, smoked gouda, aged goat, Irish cheddar, pepperjack, Cotswald cheddar with chives, etc... it's all good. I know it seems sacrilidge to mix american with fancy cheese, but trust me- I've made this a million times and it's totally necessary.
*You can omit the bacon, just don't omit the love.
Mac & cheese
1/2c. butter
10 slices bacon, chopped
1/4c. onion, very finely minced
1/2c. flour
1-1/2 qt heavy cream
4c. whole milk
2t. yellow mustard
1# American cheese
1# cheddar cheese
½# parmesan cheese
Salt & pepper, to taste
2c. oven roasted tomatoes, coarsely chopped
Bread crumb mixture: 4c. soft bread crumbs pulsed in the food processor with 1/4c. melted butter & 1/2c. cheddar cheese (can be mixed in a bowl as well, it will just be chunkier)
2# elbow macaroni, cooked al dente
Heat the butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the bacon and cook 1 minute. Add the onion and cook until onion is soft & bacon is crisp, 3-4 minutes. Add the flour to make a roux & cook 1 minute. Whisk in the cream & milk. Heat, while stirring until mixture is boiling & slightly thickened. Add the mustard & cheeses. Stir the mixture until cheeses are melted, then season to taste. In a large bowl, mix the sauce with the macaroni & let sit 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Portion into one large or several small oven-safe dishes, top with tomatoes, then the bread crumbs. Bake @350 degrees until browned, bubbly & heated through, about 20-25 minutes for one large casserole, less time for smaller sizes.
Any questions- just put them in the comments...
*Also, I take no responsibility whatsoever for any heart "episodes" that this recipe may induce. The fat is what makes it delicious, but it is what also makes it so sexy and dangerous.
oh sweet jesus. I might have to have a dinner party this weekend just for the excuse to make this.
I make something similar. Since I don't eat bacon, I use anchovies. They add a depth of flavor that is fantastic.
Here's my recipe.
Whiskey - that sounds absolutely delicious.
I would definitely cut the recipe in half...unless! We have 25 people coming to town for Thanksgiving (yes, my family will be SOLELY to blame for the horrible traffic that week) and this might just feed them.
That sounds friggin' awesome. Make some for me sometime.
definitely going to have to try this out. Thanks for the recipe!
Ah, if ONLY the 'past' COULD absorb all the liquid... But then we wouldn't be referring to you as WhiskeyMarie now, would we?
MMM- that's one of my funnier typos, indeed. except for the time I gave a recipe to my students and instead of typing ADD flour, I typed ASS flour.
I'll be fixing that now...
I used to get really stoned and eat macaroni and cheese with broccoli and a red haired girl. Does this count as a recipe?
I can feel my arteries closing already!
I think I'm getting a heart attack just reading the ingredients to that recipe. Needless to say, I'll bet my family would LOVE this recipe.
Oh, you are a bad, bad girl. And, I love you.
I am totally going to make this one night in preparation for being intoxicated. I think after 8 or so beers, I won't even consider the fact that it will stop my heart, only that it's freaking delicious.
Umm, I think I just got a stiffy. Yep, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have wood.
ps - this is the side I will be bringing to Thanksgiving dinner.
*holds out my hand*
pass me a spoon please.
i just recently found out that kraft was owned by phillip morris. but you know after reading this recipe i think i can forgive 'em just this once.
i love me some mac and cheese.
That sounds delicious.
If only I could cook...
OH LORD! I just reread what I wrote.
I didn't mean "side" as in the side of me (the dirty, I have a Hard On side).
I meant "side" as in side dish.
Now I am also annoyed that I do not live closer to you as you promised me some of this famous recipe and it sounds yummy. Since you can't mail mac and cheese I guess I just had mac and cheese and I am not sure my arteries can handle more so soon, but in the near future I will be making this recipe.
Small question, do you think turkey bacon would work as I do not eat pig?
Lol- I knew what you meant, you dork.
Boxer- I don't know, make a small batch & try it. Let me know how it turns out...
Oh, and NPW- best idea I've heard in a loooong time.
this recipe sure looks yummy though, i just felt my ass grow another 10lbs while reading the ingredients.
Tha is dangerously close to mine but mine is a lower fat version with no tomatoes or bacon, or bread crumbs.
OK. NOW you need my Ghetto Mac recipe in exchange. I'll post it and we'll have to bake and compare. Mine (SweetMary's) uses a full 2# block of Velveeta.
God bless plastic cheeze.
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