Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Gratuitously sexy sandwich bitches

Tonight was a good night.

We all had a Mecca sandwich, which is as tasty and finger-likin' good as you'd think.*

Especially with Stacy takin' up the rear.

Man, my girls are some sexy bitches.

On the right is my main piece of Irish ass, Ian.
Turns out Irish eyes ARE smilin'.
I heart you, Ian my dear...

Nuff' said.

I love this girl.

We are truly ebony and ivory.

"Live together in perfect harmony..."

Anyone want to be the corned beef in our sexy Reuben?

*Holy crap I'm going to get some stalkers off of this one. Sorry, corned beef and chicken wing fetish freaks. This is what you all get.

Me and Mec.


And, In case you were wondering...

Oh, snap!

Yup, properly used there.

Snap, indeed.


Failcooks said...

Damn, we some sexxy byotches. . . Or, at least you are, my friend. I shall ride on your coat tails. I am humbled.


Failcooks said...

And, that flowchart is genius.

Yours? I'm not surprised.

Fran said...

Perhaps we need to step it up over here in the NYC!

I wrote about a night out with a fellow blogger but I am thinking you guys had a better time.

And the "oh snap" diagram.

That may need to be "borrowed" for my own blog.

3carnations said...

properly, not property...don't know what I need to type properly.

3carnations said...

Flow charts are what I need to property use slang. Thank you. Oh snap.

Whiskeymarie said...

I should have noted that the flowchart is borrowed. Though, now I can't remember where from. (I did have several Stellas before composing this post...)

Butrfly Garden said...

Sexy Bitches indeed. Wait, can you call someone ELSE a "sexy bitch??" - I mean that in the most flattering way.

I, too, love the diagram. The Man and I have been noticing the improper use of the term and were wondering if we were wrong all those years. I shall print it for him. (after all, I'm much to insecure to let him see you girls in all your sandwhichy sexiness).

Mair said...

I saw the flowchart on Boing Boing earlier this week, though I don't know who the orig. creator was.


Stacy said...

Girl, I can't WAIT to do that again!!! A good time was had by all. And? How DRUNK am I in that pic? NOT a good angle for me. Uch.

ps) thank you ever soooo much for the bottle o'happiness! Beyond sweet you are.

Lollie said...

Mmmmkay...I coming out there and we're going to do a threepeat but we're making it a triple decker. I want in on the girl's night out (and Ian too) action in Minneapolis.

Whiskeymarie said...

Anytime, Lol. Anytime.

ps said...

miss you. i have been 'oh snap'-ing all week!

gorillabuns said...

is it strange my 4 year old says then in response to a no from me?

thethinker said...

I love that flowchart.