So, y'all.
I'm a technotard.
But I want a total blog overhaul, something that is not so "Blogger standard".
If any of you lovely "blog-friendly" tech-y readers would like to give me an awesome new template, I would like to discuss options and compensation with you. E-mail me.
I gave myself an ultimatum: Either clean up and make this blog a bit less hee-haw hobaggy, or stop blogging altogether by my birthday, which (for those of you who haven't started shopping yet) is less than a month away.
Yes. I said it.
Either I "Set it" or I "Forget it".
Update: Starting any minute/day now, y'all will be automatically redirected to my new (!) address:
which I will keep for now (feel free to change the link if you want, but if not- no biggie as the redirection is automatic anyways). I am also looking into another fancypants blog hosting service, but I won't decide on that one for a week or two.
Here's the deal: If I can't find someone to do it for me for $$, I will attempt this myself one time. If they can teach cats to pee in a toilet, maybe I can teach myself to redesign my blog while hopefully not totally screwing it up.
Wish me luck, and I apologize in advance for any bumps in the road.
Hey, I pulled off my overhaul (first one in over 4 years) and managed to clean things up. It's not hard at all.
I'm no help technologically, but you should definitely "set it," rather than "forget it".
I wish I knew so I could rest assured that you won't quit, but as you know I rely on the blogger templates, too. Poop! I hope you find someone smarter than me! Shouldn't be too hard.
I am with everyone else. I may not really be able to help you technically, but I really want you to stay online. You are awesome.
Really, you're not going anywhere Missy. Don't make me come over there. Up and over there or wherever the hell your state is. I'll do it. I have a GPS system.
BTW, word verification - this is my third try at the #$@#$% thing!
whenever i start to hate my web site, i delve into a deep romantic fantasy about me, wordpress, a glass of wine, a handful of cheese and my own very special url.
Ooh! My bday is coming up, too. Call it even?
Can't wait to see the new look.
Aww man! I already got you a birthday present, but it's kind of hee-haw hobaggy. I guess I'll have to return it.
I know I'm new here, but believe me when I tell you you can't quit.
You (not that you know me or even care) are one of the highlights of my day.
Please excuse me while I go take an HTML class so I can design a new site for you.....
STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE MISSY. I'm going to... um, well, I have no skills as such, but maybe I can make my brother design you the most kickass blog template the world has ever seen.
If I can design a new kick-ass Whiskeymarie-centric stamp for Minnesota then I can design you a new blog banner so awesome you won't ever want to get off the interwebs ever again.
Okay, you definitely have to find someone savvy to help you get a makeover because you can't leave. That would be wrong.
PS - I'm not the savvy one.
Oh no you don't, missy. I'm also a technotard, so someone better step up and git you some HTML or whatever.
I know a pretty good amount about Wordpress, if you want to use that as your back interface on the new whiskeymarie.com. They also have some pretty cool templates to pick from, if no one steps up to the plate and does an actual design for you!
NO! Please don't leave or I may never laugh out loud at work again!
P.S. I'm emailing you about some help!
Well hopefully someone with more geekwad ability than me will step up, because I'd hate to see you go! Not that I'm buying that threat for a minute.
You've gone dot-com? I knew that "quit" thing couldn't be serious. Good luck!
I know nothing about web crap hence, my header that's been around for several years now.
I don't want to go to MN to kick your butt so you better stay around.
I've been thinking of upgrading myself... let me know how it goes... But you can't quit, now--I just don't know what I'd do with out you
Because I just met you and I am totally, TOTALLY in love with your KOOKY brain (sorry, I only like women for their minds; supple, perfect orb succulent breasts do nothing for me) I would be happy do discuss a blog facelift with you since you are obviously so completely superficial as to care about how your blog looks. I am something of an artiste for a living. I didn't bother to read your other thousand comments and offers above, because you and I now have a love connection and I know you will choose me. Unless you choose someone else. In which case I will fling myself off a cliff.
You can check me out here and here.
Hoping you'll be my Kentucky WOLEMAN. ; )
Oh, sorry, I thought you lived in KY because my brain doesn't work right. Do they have WOLEMANs in MN?
You are speaking to the choir here. I actually have an Administrator who lives in San Francisco, so I don't even have to get out of my pajamas to talk to him in the evening. It is his profession, and he is so uppity about not being called a technogeek that I now merely call him the Administrator. He can come right into the room with me and tinker with things, take over the controls. Frees both my hands for smoking. It so convinces my dog that we have an intruder he has stopped pouring martinis and fucking near taken out my mac. In case you ever visit my site, don't blame the Administrator for it's old school appearance. I take total responsibility.
I like the new look—it suits you. Glad to see you figured 'er out.
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