1) When did I become "in control" of the "space-time continuum" I am associated with?
2) When did Saturn get so interesting?
3) Who trimmed my nether regions in such a haphazard and obviously drunken manner?
4) Is 4 glasses of wine too much?
5) Should I be as impressed with my shoes as I am right now?
6) Why do cat farts smell like cat food, but most people farts smell like garlic and onions?
7) Why does Ryan Seacrest have a viable career???
Help me, Obi-wan, you're my only hope.
Happy whatever the hell day this is..., my sweets.
Darling, if you're calling Monday Friday, then I think you've had the perfect amount to drink.
Just stay away from Pooter's pubic hair.
That's what I like about you, WM. You're not afraid to ask the tough questions.
I've never smelled a cat fart. Interesting.
All unanswerable questions.
Let me see if I can take a stab at these(except why Ryan Seacrest has a career - that dumbfounds me):
1) I'm thinking three years and a week from yesterday.
2) When we got good space cameras!
3) Your guess would be much better than mine.
4) No.
5) Depends. Pictures?
6) Although we do believe Contessa farted ON Mike the other day, I do not believe I have ever smelled a cat fart specifically. Are you looking for research funding?
I can really only answer #4 with any certainty. And the answer is HELLS NO.
The answer to #7 is because he is the DEVIL.
and 4 glasses is NOT ENOUGH!!
If you ask me, and you did...4 glasses of wine is NOT ENOUGH!
You're a riot!
1) You never were, you were just drunk.
2) Saturn is weak. Uranus is where the fun is. Oh!
3) I hope it was you. Or a friend with a gentle touch.
4) It is too little. See #1.
5) Yes.
6) Because that's how it is in the Bible.
7) Becuase he's dreamy!
I demand to know why you are sniffing cat ass when you have much more important things to do.
1. when i gave up control of said "continuum"
2. when i got it's personality
3. again, me. and if you look closely, it's saturn.
4. not for paella
5. yes.
6. because cats do not eat garlic and onions
7. because. . . ok, i don't know this one.
Silly girl, don't you know there is really no such thing as time?
And you should always be impressed with fabulous shoes. I wouldn't know because my four year old tennis shoes are a white hot mess.
Four glasses is too much for me. I usualy stick with one bottle. Cuz I'm into moderation and shit.
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