I have house guests tonight, Kids in the Hall LIVE tomorrow (!!!), and my butt isn't going to just go and scratch itself, you know.
Go and eat some cheese for me, then tell me about it. Don't leave anything out. Make me want it- bad.
Mmmm...cheese porn.
Happy Friday, my little pools of limburger fondue with possum nuggets (for dippin'), happy Friday indeed.
I'll be eatin' cheese and anything else I feel like, b/c it's Friday and I consider it my day of respite from all things healthy! I'll have some for ya!
Ok there were several things that disturbed me from this post... the first was "cottage cheese thighs". I don't like cottage cheese in any way, shape, or form (I can't get past the texture), and that includes cottage cheese thighs.
Next was your reference to "cheese porn"--which I have bad connotations with because of a disturbing night involving—well, let’s just say I expected the cheese in a can to go on crackers, not where it ended up.
And then your reference to “limburger fondue with possum nuggets”—living in a rural area, I’ve had my fair share of run-ins with the local possum gang, and let me tell you—I don’t think they’d be delicious for dipping… Just a thought.
Oh and I would have preferred a gouda fondue with some nice crusty bread!
It should just happen that I am sitting before a two egg omelette made with half & half, chives, chipotle Tobasco, and my new obsession: Tilamook aged and smoked cheddar. Cottage cheese thighs? Yep. Indescribable happiness? Yep.
This weekend, I am gonna get so majorly on the cheese, just for YOU Whiskey. ; )
Fabulously enough, I just ate my weight in smoked firehouse cheddar. And yes, it was 10:30 in the morning.
All this cheese talk is making me slobber.
And on that note can I say that I love the birthday countdown in your sidebar. If only I'd known about that little piece of goodness.
So yeah, would you like a big wheel of cheese for your big 3-7? People offer them to me on busses all the time ;)
Thanks for putting us up tonight, even though I'll likely be out by 7 in a Tylenol P.M.-induced coma.
Possum nuggets? Oooh. Roadkilltastic.
So I see you already received my birthday present of freeze dried nuggets. Excellent. I knew you'd like them. Squirt a little Cheese Wizz on them. Now that's what I call fancy. Only the best for you!
KITH were here last night, but silly me, I spent all of my money on other shit, so I had none left. I'm extremely, extremely upset with myself for not budgeting better.
Enjoy it for me, make sure your head doesn't get smashed!
I had a friend over for dinner and made a lemon cream pasta with roasted asparagus and grated romano cheese. It was delish.
My cheese porn so far this weekend has included cottage on Wasa crackers, a manly chunk of extra sharp cheddar and a huge helping fron the Honda salesman (ugh).
Cheese Please, I love it all.
that isnt rush limberger cheese is it?
Two words: Longhorn Colby.
I ate lots of cheese for you this weekend. It was fantastic.
p.s. this totally counts as a birthday present.
Does cheese in a can count? I need to upgrade.
Homemade MAC-N-CHEESE...studded with GARLIC CHEESE BREAD crumbs.....yeah.
I had a philly stake & cheese topped with provaloen, grilled onions and peppers on sourdogh bread. The other cheese I had this weekend does not really constitue as cheese in my book Children's theater buffet - runny "macNcheese" pizza with some sort of white mess on top (still not cheese) and hard as rock "shaved parmasian" for the salad I opted for over the other yuck. The play was great though!
...not so much cheese but tons of BACON! You have to admit that bacon has at least a half a rung on the mighty cheese.
I would be very content with a large hunk of Parmigiano Reggiano, a baguette and a glass of wine for dinner every night! Plus, it is just so much fun to say Parmigiano Reggiano with a pretend Italian accent.
Kids in the Hall? I haven't thought of them in FOREVER! In fact I had no idea they were still together. Off to google. Hope you had a lovely weekend.
What 180, said, and a nice chianti. This really is porn for me, because Anthony Hopkins comes with this simple meal, shared on a road trip through the little coastal towns of the northern Italian Med. A leisurely road trip. In an open roadster. Red.
Who knew we could get this much mileage out of cheese?! I'll have to work cheese into my own blog somehow.
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