Sunday, April 6, 2008

Cup of pudding, butt of pudding.

I have been owing my girl over at Wide Lawns this one for a while now. I volunteered to try out a recipe she found in the NY Times that appeared to be potentially delicious, and as you know- I'm always on board when the potential for deliciousness is present. Actually, I did have my students attempt this a while back, but something went horribly, horribly wrong and we shall never speak of "the custard incident of 2008" again.

I offered to do this like 6 years ago. Maybe 7, who can keep track? Speedy? Me? Not so much. Queen procrastinator? Present and accounted for, ma'am.

Today I finally got around to making it. To tell the truth, I was a little scared to make this and have it sitting around my house, knowing full well that within hours it would be contributing to the seemingly unstoppable widening of my badonkadonk. It combines two of my favorite things in the universe (if we take wine, cheese, sloth and magazines out of the equation): Caramel anything and butterscotch pudding. Oh, and it contains a ton of heavy cream, lots of sugar, a little booze and butter.

I give you...Butterscotch Budino with Caramel Sauce!

My mise en place:

Cooking the brown sugar caramel for the custard:

Pausing to take a look at my duckie whisk, which is surprisingly ergonomic.
And adorable.

After the cream and eggs are added, I cooked it to a pudding-like consistency, then strained it so there wouldn't be any lumps.

I made regular whipped cream to dallop, and I made an easier caramel sauce than the recipe called for, but overall it looks pretty damn delicious.
And adorable.

Smile pretty for the camera, Mister Puddingpants!

Holy balls.
I think this is what angels would taste like if we ground them up and made pudding out of them.

If you decide to make this recipe, it is a bit more involved than your average custard. E-mail me and I'll give you some pointers if you feel the burning desire to make this "so good that I'm all warm and tingly in my nether regions" dessert.

Diet, schmiet.
Maybe tomorrow...


sean said...

I knew there was a good reason to be online tonight. Thanks for the custardy goodness.

Wide Lawns said...

OH Whiskey Marie. I am flying to Minnesota right now. Wow. Thank you so much, but now I'm jealous because I can't eat it. I will be emailing you for tips because I can't not eat ground up angels.

And very weird synchronicity. I agree. I've also told you before that we look alike. You are my long lost twin I swear, but you're clearly the good one. The one who can temper egg yolks.

Renaissance Woman said...

I so want to eat that treat...but I so don't want to make it! Wish you were my neighbor!

JoeinVegas said...

I'm supposed to be off sugar, but I'll bite. Where can I find the recipe? (or talk you into mailing some of it out)

Ben said...

Yum yum, that looks right out of Willy Wonka's factory.


diatribes and dish said...

MMMMMM. That looks way better than my 60-calorie Handi-Snak pudding.

Fran said...

Holy crap sister, that looks effing amazing.

My favorite line of the post and maybe of your blog ever:
"Holy balls.
I think this is what angels would taste like if we ground them up and made pudding out of them."

Katrin said...

Looks delicious, but making custard is something dangerous. Very dangerous. Mine will flock. And that is gross.
But yours looks wonderful, and I wish I could dive into it. Yum!

CDP said...

That looks sooo good. I love butterscotch pudding, and strangely, the best I ever had was in the hospital after my second child (c-section, so I hadn't been alllowed to eat for nearly 2 days, so maybe it was crap and I just liked it because it was food. Anyway, it was delicious). But yours sounds better.

Whiskeymarie said...

Joeinvegas- I re-linked the recipe up top. I'd try mailing it out, but I hear sending pudding through the U.S. Mail is frowned upon. Darn postal party poopers.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Mmmm, pudding.

Suze said...

OMG - I must insist you let me adopt you and move you to my house right now. I insist!!! Bring the whisk.'ll be joining a family of poets apparently!

Stacey said...

Dude, you so need to re-think taking that job in Seattle. I can see you now as the celebrity chef.

And I can say "I knew her when"

(why I keep calling you dude...I don't know)


L Sass said...

Wow, that looks TO DIE FOR. I've barely had time to make a sandwich lately.

Butrfly Garden said...

Gosh, WM, that looks a lot harder than "Dump in bowl. Add milk. Whisk." Is it a WHOLE lot better? I've never had ground up angels before, either, so I can't compare. I think you should come to my house and cook these things (like your mac and cheese!)for me in an effort to get me to stop cooking things that come dehydrated in boxes. It'll be like an intervention. You'll be SAVING me!

LittlePea said...

Looks yummy. And pretty

pistols at dawn said...

I can only make things already cooked by Chef Boyardee.

Siana said...

Ok, I am SO gonna make that this weekend. Maybe even slather it on a 21 year old.

Ghost Dansing said...

that pudding looks very good Whiskeymarie.......
here are some Japanese people in bunny outfits singing and dancing to a song about pudding..... in Japanese

minijonb said...

oh my, that looks really good. i just went into a sugar coma just looking at it!

Sarah said...

that looks delicious! i'd love to know all the tips and tricks. let me know at: Thanks!

Freida Bee, MD said...

Oh God, I want that!

Iheartfashion said...

Stop tempting me with that evil pudding!