Today would be my belated Grandma Martha's birthday.
People say I'm just like her, which I think is awesome.
My two favorite Martha-isms:
(talking about her new dog) "I named her 'PITA', because she's a Pain In The Ass."
"I should have been a hooker. At least then I would have been paid for it."
Damn, I miss that old broad.
Happy b-day my dear.
Whenever people, especially family members, tell me I'm just like my Grandma Irene was, I take it as a huge compliment. :)
She once hit my cousin in the face with a piece of french toast when he complained about it being burnt.
Grandma Martha and Grandma Irene sound like two women I could definitely hang with.
Dude, why is it that everyone else has a cool Grandma that they remember and mine just sucks?
I am going to pretend that Grandma Martha was my Grandma too if that is alright with you.
I mean my Grandma wouldn't even say shit if she had a mouthful.
Grandma Martha sounds AWESOME.
Happy Birthday to Grandma Martha. I love a crusty old lady, hope to be one someday.
I don't believe that I have ever heard anyone say their grandma sucks before. Thanks for that mommastantrum!
I had one grandma who loved crossword puzzles and cats. The other one loved vodka and poker. I grew out of one and into the other.
Happy Birthday to the original Whiskeymarie!!
I love old people. Especially the salty ones. Your grandma sounds like a gem.
Hmmm...this explains a lot. She sounds like a riot! Happy Birthday Grandma WM!
happy birthday Grandma Martha.... like satellites
What a HOOT! Would have loved to know her.
WM-My grandpa named his dog Sheasta (pronounced She-hasta). As in She has to pee, she has to poop, she has to eat. . .
He actually came up with this name when my grandma was pregnant with my uncle and had he been a girl I would have had an Aunt Sheasta.
They look like a fun couple.
You look like her in that feature kinda way. Not in the wrinkly way. She's pretty. He looks happy he didn't have to pay.
Even those things in the hair seem your style. Too bad they brobably didn't have blogs in the olden days. Maybe she would have shared more ssmart sayings.
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