Sunday, April 13, 2008

Yes, you're in the right place.

New look, for now.
Well, at least until I get bored and threaten to fall off of the face of the blogosphere again.

I'm full of idle threats that I subconsciously know I couldn't possibly follow through on- you should know that by now, my sweets. Have you learned nothing from our relationship?


( far as I can tell, I am now officially Change your link if you want, don't if you don't. Either way you'll end up here as blogger will graciously redirect you.)


Lisa said...

I've been threatening that for months now but can't seem to pull the plug entirely.

Christa said...

lookin' good, wm.

Stefanie said...

Well that's awfully nice of Blogger. Has anyone already made the requisite "master of your own domain" jokes? If not, feel free to insert one here.

John said...

Huh? New look? Nuh-uh. You're still blinding me with that damn flash. Are you drunk?

nancypearlwannabe said...

Yay! Whiskeymarie has her own dotcom! But... is it still Google?

Whiskeymarie said...

npw- Um...yes? I think so. I'm not real smart though when it comes to the com-pu-tor thingamajiggy, but I think that yes, Google is somehow involved here.

Suze said...

Looks good. You're a dot commer now - pretty soon you'll be running the world!

Utah Savage said...

Whisky girl, I saw your comment at dcup and thought you sounded quite interesting. A smart, funny girl. Possibly a Rebel Grrrl type girl, Sorry, woman. But a woman who looks like she could be smoking something other than a smoke. I wrote a post called "Smokin' and never got such a raft of shit, never ending. Made me chain smoke for a week or more. I had to post often just to give them something else to bitch about. Anyway, I'll read backwards in time and check out your "old" site, you dot com girl.

H said...

Love the look! And congratulations on having your own domain. Next step: world domination?

Minnesota Girl said...

love the new look! you're really movin' up in the world with your own domain...i can't believe you still grace us poor blogger saps with your honorable blogging presence. ;-P

Whiskeymarie said...

Oh Angie, stop or you'll give me the ego I've been hoping for all these years...
XO right back at'cha, toots.

Fran said...

Holy crap sister! I am such a pussy when it comes to changing my template, I never do it.

OK, a week or two ago, I changed my header. Big fecking deal.

This looks great.

kirby said...

I go away for a few days and all my favorite bloggers are sporting new looks. Must be a spring cleaning thing.

The Grand ChaHee said...

Hey thanks for letting me know about my blog...I think it's back up now. I found a website that has some blogger tools to help make your blog unique

Bill Hipps said...

Looking good miss thing! Glad you are sticking around...idle threats and all!

CDP said...

It really looks fabulous.

gorillabuns said...

I like the double columns. Maybe, I should try this this week. When I've had a lot of liquid courage to do so.

L Sass said...

I really like the photo of you up top! Cutie!

Iheartfashion said...

Nice header!

Gretta said...

Oooooh!! You are fancy!

Congratulations, and I'll change the link.

Courtney said...

You're very own domain!!! fancy schmancy!!