I'm so sorry.
Something terrible happened yesterday that I could have prevented, but didn't. In the blink of an eye my life has been turned upside down and I have no one but myself to blame. I am devastated, injured, humiliated and scared.
My poor judgment in this moment is going to follow us and haunt us for a very long time.
Right now I need to focus on this situation and the fact that I am returning to work very soon.
I can't find anything funny in all of this. I can't just write about things as usual while I feel like this. When all you're doing is crying, there isn't a whole lot of "funny" there.
I don't know how long it will be: a few days, a week, maybe a month or more. I just don't know.
I love you guys. I just need to focus on fixing the monumental destruction that is my life right now. I'm not asking for sympathy as, quite frankly, I feel I don't deserve it.
I'll miss you and will maybe pop up in comments, hopefully you'll still be here when I get back.
sending good vibes your way. Will definitely await your return.
what carrster said. thinking of you.
I hope everything is okay. Please just take care of yourself. You being okay is more important than you being funny.
We'll be here - hang in there ...
positive vibes your way
what everyone else said.
I'm sorry. You know where to find us if you need us.
Aww poor Whiskey Marie. I'm sending you good feelings too. I fear something has happened to one of the kitties. I hope everything turns out ok and very soon. Good luck. I'll miss you.
I am very sorry for whatever happened. Take care of yourself. That is the most importnat thing.
Take the time you need, lady, but know you'll be missed. I hope things work out okay and you're laughing again soon.
We're in your corner, and always available when you need shoulders to lean on. Don't forget that!
Love you, and hope you're feeling more level soon.
I will of course be around when you come back. Take all of the time you need. Know that if you need any support or just an available ear I'm right around the corner. Try to remember...you are human and mistakes happen.
It feels weird to worry about someone I've never met, but my heart sank and stomach twisted when I read this.
I'll be checking every day for your return and sincerely hope you feel better soon.
Kim in SC
I hope whatever it is that's wrong is made right.
Much love sent your way.
Hang in there kid, I am pleased to at least here you say 'us', so your mister is ok (I am assuming), so that's good to here. I wish you the best, and send hopeful thoughts your way.d
I'll miss you.
Ow, ow, ow. This post makes my heart hurt real bad for you. I'm sending you all of the love I possess.
Oh no, my heart goes out to you, my friend. All these good thoughts and love being sent out will hopefully help!
I hope everything gets better soon.
I wish there was something I could do to help! Thinking of you and sending best wishes your way.
WM, hope everything turns out OK. We'll miss you while you're gone.
good luck.... hope all gets better.....
I hope whatever is not okay gets better quickly. We'll miss you.
I hope you are ok and the situation improves for all involved.
Hoping your situation gets better.
your fan club.
Missing you already...hope all turns out okay.
Of course I will be here when you return. If you need anything in the meantime, you know where to find me.
from monumental destruction comes monumental reconstruction.
take care of yourself, you deserve more. re-build, and come back stronger than evah. hell yeah.
i'll keep you in my thoughts.
Damn. Hope things get better soon, WM.
Take however much time you need - you know we're not going anywhere.
Hope it all works out.
You got me worried, Whiskey. Hope it all works out. Don't hesitate to take a couple of tabs of fukitol- believe me, it can help. Waiting to hear from you again.
Honey. I'm sorry. I bloglove you.
What everyone else said, times 8. I am so sorry for whatever it is that happened. Please know we're all here...
We'll be here.
I'm so sorry to hear about your trouble. I hope all is well soon, I'm thinking of you.
I suck at commenting lately, but I'm always here.
I hope everything turns out okay, Whiskey.
We've obviously not met, but I feel compelled to offer you and the "Mr." my love and support. Wish there was more I could do than send you sentiment over the wires. Hate to see you this broken up. Be here when you get back.
Take good care-
Devoted Reader
Good Luck WM....your cult following is behind you..anxiously waiting for our Leader to reappear.
Ahhh, Whiskey---so sorry for your troubles. I feel the pain in your post.
You can be certain I'll be here when you get back. You don't know me, nor I you, but we have 'intermet' and sometimes talking to a stranger is easier.....you can e-mail me any time....or I can shut up and all that stuff.
Hi Whiskey,
I'm so sorry that something terrible happened. I hope that you'll recover and find peace and happiness. Whatever it is, we're still here for you, funny or not.
Oh no! I hope everything is okay... everyone needs a break from time to time and of course your "peops" will be here waiting anxiously for your return. I pray that you find the strength to get through whatever it is you need to focus on right now.
Good luck! We miss you already!
Yikes. Whatever the mystery problem is, I hope you get it straightened out soon! Take care, WM.
I can't even begin to imagine what has happened, but I am truly sorry to hear that you are going through something so terrible. I am sending you all of the positive energy I have. My best to you.
I got soo sad reading your post! My thoughts are with you!!
Big hugs. Thinking of you, hoping that things smooth out. You take care of you, ya' hear?
This is the second great blog I read about today that's folding or on hiatus.
Well. Good luck.
as you can tell,
you are loved.
judgement is a hard thing to deal with in life. but hindsight is even harder.
so feel supported, as we all make decisions we mourn, and we all suffer our choices. but in the end, we survive, we grow, we strengthen, and we return.
you know this.
it's what makes you,
WM, no need to apologize to us. We'll be here waiting whenever you're ready to come back. Best wishes for a smooth and speedy resolution to whatever has happened -- take care of yourself.
Wow. I just popped over from Wide Lawns. I am new to your blog, but am extremely moved by your post.
No, we don't come out the other side of any traumatic event the same person we were before, but we *can* make it through life while we are still involved in the process of living it. We manage to get through it somehow, even if we don't have a clue what that way is, we somehow fumble and stumble on, and keep moving forward. So don't be afraid to ask for help from friends; and as silly as it probably sounds right now, count your blessings and give yourself the compassion you would offer someone else, and be gentle with the self judgment.
Human beings have an inner strength that is amazing, so you have it too, it's our inheritance.
By all the posts here you have people who care and who are sending you love. Hang in there!
Hello WM:
I'm an adoring fan of what you so freely give - all your heart and humor. Please know that no one intends for certain things to happen but it does anyway. Compassion is needed for everyone equally and time will heal what now seems impossible. You are a special person - I can tell. Take care ... as "Jen" in the above post wishes -
resolution will come, keep your chin up Whisky M.
Ugh. So sorry you're dealing with this. Will definitely be here when you decide you're able to return. Take care, hon.
Hi WM, looks like you have a lot of support from your faithful readers. Here's a quote from some movie,
"Comedy equals Tragedy plus Time."
I'm sure you'll be back.
Wow, hope you're okay. Hang in there and don't give up!!
Regular reader, irregular responder. Do what you need to do. I will fret, you know.
take care of you, and don't be too hard on yourself, god knows we all eff up and make plenty of mistakes. if we didn't screw up sometimes then what the hell would we have to learn from?
take all the time you need to heal, we will all still be here, thinking of you, worrying about you, hoping you are okay and sending you our thoughts and prayers.
you've got a lot of love coming from the blogosphere my friend, we'll miss you while you are gone!
I'll be thinking of you WM, you are loved and will be missed. Take care of you and yours and we'll be here when you get back.
Sorry things suck right now, WM.
Whatever's going on, try to remember--as impossible as it may be--that the light at the end of the tunnel is there, whether you can see it or not.
Much fondness.
Aw baby--whatever it is, we're here for ya. Take care, and good luck.
(Expletive deleted)!!! Best wishes that things get better soon, if only for your mental/physical/emotional well-being...remember that the night is always darkest before the dawn and all that...
My thoughts are with you WM!
I feel sick for you. Obviously we, meaning the 64 others who commented before me, love you and support you. Take your time. Kisses and hugs.
Everyone has those times in their lives. You get through it. Some things you get over and some things you don't but you DO get through it.
Hind sight is 20/20.
Here are my top guesses:
1. You really lost your pants and walked home in your underwear and was arrested for wearing bikini bottoms without the top.
2. You ran over one of your cats. In a few days you will realize it was that neighbor's cat that you thought was yours before.
3. You came home wearing someone elses pants and underwear. (Ewww the underwear and it was ugly underwear)
4. You selected a new paint for one of the rooms. After it dried the color was so horrid you vomited all over the new flooring. After drinking a great deal and sobering up you realize that even primer wont cover that vomit-inducing-wall-color and the alcohol you drank was not top shelf so it ate through the new flooring.
5. You saw that picture of me on my blog in my prom dress and cannot stop crying because you thought I was cool and not some debutant priss. That pepto pink dress made you vomit on your new flooring and you are trying to figure out how to ask me to pay for it. (Can I make installment payments?)
Feel free to look me up, email me or slap me...vertual slap because I am a priss. :-p
Here's hoping things look up soon.
Sending you big hugs.
We'll miss you.
Take care, WM. My wand is in the shop right now - if I could fix it for you I would. Hang in there.
Forget the blog and take care of yourself and whatever else you need to take care of. You say you don't deserve sympathy, but clearly you have touched many people through your posts and every one of them wishes you the best. I hope things work out and wish you happiness.
Yikes, I don't even want to ask. You and Yours take care WM.
Hope everything will turn out fine, and I'll be thinking about you. Don't worry about your readers - we all love you and will await your return however long it will take.
All the best!
Thinkin' about you!
And remember...your fault or not, everyone deserves at least one break.
I hope you are OK. Take care of yourself & hurry back!!!
Michelle in Ohio
Oh my God- whatever it is I send you my every good thought. Do what you must.
Missed and loved you will be, but you must attend to whatever is going on.
If it makes you feel better, which it won't, I've lived through losing my dad 6 years ago when he was only 59, my husband and I separating for 8 mos during that same year, almost getting arrested twice, once for getting pulled for a traffic stop only to have a bag of seeds and stems fall out of my glovebox when I went to get my registration out (and I had kids in the car with me at the time) and then again when someone used my name in a prescription fraud, which caused me to lose my excellent job at the time. Dark days, but they passed and today life is great again. I just wanted you to know that whatever happened to you, it will pass and things will be good again.
Normally, I never leave comments. I just enjoy reading your blog everyday. I hope whatever has happened turns out to have some kind of silver lining for you sweetie. God bless and take care.... ~ Renata1967
You can always run away to Mexico, that's what I did when my life turned to shit and look at me now! Of course, based on your recent weather post, you might want to wait until winter. You've got a friend in PV.
This is the most comments I've ever seen on one post! Good vibes your way.
I hope things get better for you soon. Sending good thoughts from Colorado.
What r cubed said, except my good thoughts are coming from Illinois.
Miss you already.
I will again offer my support if it gets your comment count that much closer to 100.
You must come back! You must!
i dropped by to see if its better now.....
tell him
I hope things are beginning to improve for you. :)
Missing you and sending you lots of virtual hugs and love. We all hope that everything is starting to look up for you and we're here for you in whatever capacity you need.
I've got numerous cliches I could pump out at your but I'll spare you ...this time :)
I'm with McGone! C'mon people, we can get that counter to 100. IF we do, I just know she'll feel better! Do it! Keep commenting!
Ok, I'm in! I'm with McGone and Gwen!
We miss you, dear WhiskeyMarie! Feel better soon!
**sending good vibes your way**
I miss you!
Picture me as Lloyd Christmas.....saying "I miss you A LOT"
I was just thinking I bet it hits 100 comments soon!
This has been a bleak week without any Whiskey.
Did you off your cousin and are now on the run?
I miss you.
I'm still sorry that something so awful as to deter you from blogging occurred. It must be bad.
Just stopping by again to say I am thinking about you and hope things are improving for you.
Also, I can't resist a challenge, and I think it would be awesome to see the comments climb up over 100 here!
Take care, we miss you!
No matter what, you must stay indoors all of next week. There will be crazy hate people (republicans) walking all over your nice town.
Even though you are the first person on the interwebs to do something stupid, I'm sure everything will work out. All my best.
ok come back...we miss you. hope things have started to improve wm.
Just want you to know I'm still thinking of you and wishing you well...
WM, I found your blog because my treasure, bulletproof lucy, loves your stuff. So I read it, and I love it too. I want to say something different, and deep, and comforting. But i'm really only averagely clever. Just like everybody else. Truth is, I'm really sad for you. I love your delightfully canted take on life, and your tales crack me up over & over. I'm often sitting at my computer, in the dark, laughing my head off. I'm average, but you are not. You are uncommonly cool. You're an enigma: The hopeful cynic.
I hope and pray that your very bad thing gets better fast.
Be well, my friend.
Take care. Come to Franksgiving on Sept. 13. There are few sorrows that cannot be assuaged by Ukrainian Sausage.
Oh WM, sorry just got back here...and so sorry you have to make this post on the day I was celebrating my Bday...
I hope things get sorted so soon!
Sending you lots of hugs and happy thoughts...holding you always in my prayers.
The Grand Chahee loves you! and hopes all is well!
Best wishes for a quick resolution to your badness. I am a big fan of your writing and miss the laughs.
Still hoping things are going better, can't wait til you return.
Good work you guys! I told you it would work - we hit 100 and she came back!
Ok, now I want you guys to all send me $20 each for getting Whiskey back. I promise to split it with McGone. (Riiiiiight.)
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