She just showed up knowing that I can't say no to family. But man, that girl is a piece of work. She actually had the balls to video herself (god, I hope she has clothes on) and asked me to post it on my blog.
Bitch is lucky I don't have anything else today.
In case you've forgotten the wonder that is "Tammie":
I'm sure she'll tell you all about it here...
Untitled from Whiskeymarie VonPartypants on Vimeo.
Tammie needs to start filming at a better angle so she doesn't look like she has such a big-assed double chin.
Such an amateur.
Happy Friday indeed.
WM (and Tammie!)
P.S.- Sorry for the delay in posting, but I am so technologically retarded that it took me 16 hours to figure out how to post Tammie's fucked up video to my blog. Hello, Tammie? No one, and I mean NO ONE, uses VHS anymore. Figure your shit out, bitch. And? 1987 called. They want their look back. Just an FYI.
Tammie seems fun. I need a Tammie in my life! :)
Next time I would like Tammie to be more obviously drunk.
Bahaha, I love Tammie and she WOULD be a Whitesnake fan. Come back to Canadia, we miss you Tammie!
this is why i don't usually talk to my family-- I'm not going to lie, I may have watched this whole video 4 times...and i may be planning on watching it more
Good Lord, Woman. Your balls are HUGE!
Tammy seems made for reality TV. I hope she keeps vlogging.
I was mesmerized by the sound of Tammie's voice. And by her Whitesnake tee shirt. She's fantastic!
tammie needs to stay more often.
OMG- "we gotta stretch those suckers out..."
"kind of mannish- mannish".
"i have some atoning to do..."
tammie is hilar.
This pretty much made my week.
This makes me long for MTV's The Real World: Winnipeg.
Tammie Von Partypants is ALMOST as hot as YOU Whiskey. You know, in a drunken, slutty, trailor park kind of way. Does she put out? Please let her know that we have trailor parks in Virgina. Really nice ones. And they usually don't get demolished by tornados. Tell her to dump that loser Randy and I'll send the Camaro for her. It's hotter than hell down here right now; great for tanning and the pool should be blown up by the time she gets here.
Is Tammie a Virgin?
i will be giggling for days now...
You my friend should absolutely have your own t.v. show. Drinking beer through a straw
the straw with the beer bottle, classy.
Did she say that she lived in the "highbrow, pretty clean trailer park community" of Canadia? lol... Tammie is definitely...
Btw, first time I'm stopping by. I've known from your comments that you are one funny chick, but I'm loving your blog. Thanks for the laughs, I'll be back.
I heart Tammie. I want to be Tammie's total BFF.
Nothing I love more than a slutty, drunk thief of a relative.
Tammie certainly knows how to match wine with food. Ask her what she'd recommend serving with chicken ramen.
sweet hilarity! except for the cat licking, where i actually gagged.
Haha Funny post! At first I thought you were going to say she was 68!
Hotness thy name is Tammie. I not only know women like Tammie, I'm related to a few.
After your hermit-tendency post last week, Tammie was just worried about you.
Did you get my email? I found out why I didn't get yours...I misspelled my last name when I did my email link in Blogger...heh heh heh. I sent one to you at the Yahoo address. Let me know if you got it.
Tammie reminds me so much of my older sister.
Same hair and everything...
I love you, Whiskey Marie VonPartypants. You totally made my wretched day. (I've been waiting like three days to get time at home to watch it. Stupid work blocking entertainment.)
For serious - you should be getting paid for this brand of funny.
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