Monday, June 16, 2008

Rainy days, Mondays, and poo.

No time today AGAIN, as poo and other unsavory bits have backed up through the floor drain into my scary basement over the weekend and I am too grossed out to think.
Right now two dudes are down there snaking the thing out. Last time this happened, a few years ago, the guy who came out to fix it just (o.k, even I'm gonna get the puke shivers now)...

just stuck his bare hands down there & dug it out.


The dudes today don't seem to be interested in such nastiness, luckily. But I'm still disgusted. I hate my old house sometimes.

Good weekend, nothing exciting. Rueben burgers, cleaning, pizza, wine, garage cleaning, bloody marys & brunch at the Triple Rock, a little shopping, some Battlestar Galactica (geeks, I know), a rainstorm or two, but no "marshmallow anus insertion silly". Sorry. I can't think about the booty and it's various functions right now anyways.


kilax said...

Yuck yuck yuck. That is the worst luck. Hopefully the guy cleaning it up this time won't be as nasty!

T said...

Poop. As much as I love a good poop story, yucko.

diatribes and dish said...

Oh and PS, how do you make Rueben burgers? They sound yummy.

diatribes and dish said...

Well, as misery loves company, I'm glad I'm not the only one who dwelled on poop this weekend. I am ready to think about better things, as I'm sure are you.

Stacey said...

Damn, I should have known better then to come over here on my lunch hour...

Here's to wishing you a poop free tomorrow. Well not that I hope you aren't able to poop. That would suck. I meant that I hope your plumbing poop problems are fixed quickly ;)

Sornie said...

My solution would be to move if poo ever made its way into my basement. I couldn't deal with it. I enjoy simply waving my poo goodbye and never seeing it again.

CDP said...

Yuck. Hope it's all cleaned up now!

Landis said...

you know how you go away and then you come back and your friend has taken a turn for the gross, and it seems to go on for an unusually long number of posts that you've missed because you've been working like a dog and not really cognizant of the world and trying to find your way back to a life and when you get there it's gross?


Renaissance Woman said...

I was wondering if the marshmallow insertion resulted in poop backup problems. I have an old house too and get the issues. But hand in the poo...gross!

punchlinewalking said...

I hear you, lady. We got home from a weekend away and found the carpet in our lower level soaked with rain water. For the second time in two weeks. But at least it wasn't poo, for reals!

Moe Wanchuk said...

So...if the cops break down the door, on a bust, you have nowhere to flush the "goodies?"

gorillabuns said...

wine and bloody mary's sound like a great weekend.

poo - not-so-much.

Stefanie said...

Ew. You are the second person to relay a story like that this week. I really ought to call Roto-Rooter as a preventative measure, right? Aren't you supposed to do that every few years (if you're a responsible home owner of the sort I am not)?

Courtney said...

Gross indeed.

In other news (seriously very other news, I promise it has nothing to do with grabbing poo with your bare hand) I need your address. I owe you postcards!!!

Bubs said...

So, was the stuff bubbling up through that floor drain murky or chunky? Whoooo-eeeeee. That is bad.

If I lived closer I'd drop off a couple gallons of bleach for the cleanup, and a bottle of bourbon to clean the smells and images out of your head.

Good luck.

Gwen said...

Ewww. Sorry to hear about your poo problems. Hope it's fixed by now.

lizgwiz said...

I could never be a plumber. Too much nastiness, too much climbing into small places. (I'm remembering my very large plumber shoving himself through the opening to underneath the house, and worrying that he'd get stuck there. What if he couldn't get back out? Would I just have a pony-tailed plumber named Floyd living under my house forever? "Oh, don't worry about that noise coming from the floor--it's just Floyd.")

kirby said...

Yeah, spill the recipe for Reuben burgers.

Lollie said...

I am planning my return tonight - sorry I have been out of touch for over two weeks now. I'm slapping my own wrist as I type.

On this parent's house had a septic tank backup at the most unfortunate of times - during my our pre-wedding dinner. He simply went out back, lifted up the tank's top, plunged to shoulder deep and scooped poop for 15 minutes. Apparently, there was some major root intrusion from the plants lining the house.
My. Mom. Was. Mortified.