Friday, June 27, 2008

'Cause, Um...I'm um...kind of um...sort of umm'ed out.

Because I am both lazy and...
Oh, drifted off there.

Lazy. Yes.

Whiskey does Friday from Whiskeymarie VonPartypants on Vimeo.


Christa said...

i'll be on the lookout for the bar flare.

Fran said...

Bar flares? An idea whose time has come!

You know I hope people stay tuned until the end, so totally worth it.

You drunk rascalette, very funny in your drunk-y video-y way.

Moe Wanchuk said...

Jeeez Whiskey.....Pick a Winner!

kat said...

the minne-SO-ta accent is just fabulous. more video pls.

Gwen said...

Um, Whiskey? Have you been laughing at me for a week because you have a piece of furniture upholstered in the same material as this dress? Because I would be.

The similarity is truly uncanny.

wafelenbak said...

Girl, you need to be on stage. Seriously. You're a crack up!

Wide Lawns said...

I LOVE THIS!!! Your cute little accent is great! How did you do that? I want to make videos too! Whiskey Marie you are a star and you look so pretty on film. I am so impressed and by the way I have a guy down here who installs shower trapezes. He did a fantastic job on mine. I think he has a brother in Minnesota. I'll give him your number.

punchlinewalking said...

Quantity is where the savings are. Words to live by...especially when talking about handies.

Sizzle said...

Cheesemeatdrunkiness- ha! Sounds like a good idea (the drunkiness though I do like cheese).

John said...

I'd pay $52.

P.S. - were you too drunkey to turn comments on earlier?

Gretta said...

You're not really drunk. That wine glass had barely been touched. I saw ONE swig.

How about a shower trampoline?!

Jon said...

The only way this video could be any awesomer is if there was a freestyle rap battle going on in the background between Batman and Jesus.

And even then it would be tough to beat, unless they were sporting that fantastic Minnesota accent.

Dr Zibbs said...

You are so beautiful. To me.

Sornie said...

That vid reminded me of a Samantha Bee clip from The Daily SHow. You have a future if you could only put down the devil's juice.

Moe Wanchuk said...

I've been thinking about this "hand job" thing...and I think you're totally under-pricing yourself at $2.....cuz in my seems to cost me WAY more than 2 lousy bucks. It usually cost me a tennis racket...or new dress...or even a few days of "no groping"....

Either you are getting mugged...or I'm getting just run over :/

Whiskeymarie said...

Christina- I'm sure we'll end up at Quinlan's or the twins at some point. Look for the flaming beacon.

Fran- If Christa and I could market the "bar flare" idea, we'd totally be hundredaires.

Moe- I did!

Kat- as much as I try to tone it down, my nasal-y Northern MN charm seeps through every time.

Gwen- I can't belive you stole my bedspread to make a dress. How very Carol Burnett of you.

wafelenbak- The world is my stage, baby.

wide lawns- have your guy call my guy. And I think that you may very well be the first person to call my voice/accent "cute." I love you.

punchline- Too bas there isn't a Costco for these sorts of things.

sizzle- Is drunk EVER a bad idea?

john- I never turned them off! I promise!! And honestly I wasn't that drunk. But I was tired. And, you'd totally get the "friends and family" discount (wink).

tgretta- It's like you see into my soul.

jon- Please, please, please stop giving out spoilers for my upcoming videos! C'mon!

dr. z- Back at'cha, my yakky friend.

sornie- The devil and I made this deal a ways back, and if I opt out I owe him thirteen virgins and a back rub. No way I'm giving that dude a back rub.

dcup- Hopefully not your last. Many, many more to come.

moe- I am investigating this as we speak. I guess with inflation I should be charging AT LEAST $4.

EmBee said...

Uhhmmmmm.... SssOoooo.... *waving two fingers in the air repeatedly* Uhhmmmmm... SsssOOOoooo... Uh, Yea... That, yea... THAT was... Uhhhhhmmm, Aaahhhh, Uhhhh... Inter...esting... UhMMmmmmm, yea... Inte........
Uh, wait did I just zone out there?

Evil Genius said...

This is porn to me.

Ed said...

Ha! Casino tokens! That almost killed me! I, too, love the midwestern accent, and I'm from the midwest. I shouldn't even notice it. Great post! Casino tokens...

Suze said...

You should sent your sister around to bloggers like you did with Fernando. That would keep her busy.

kirby said...

Just when I didn't think it was possible to love you even more than I already do...

Ben said...

That was rich, especially the bodies in Mississippi. Well done WM, bottoms up.


Nature Girl said...

Seriously? I dont' think it's possible for me to love you any more than I do right now at this moment..sooooo ummmmmyeahhhh..