Monday, May 12, 2008

Taste so good, make a grown man cry...

I'm not sure what's more disturbing:

a) The fact that "we" are now the "proud" owners of our own Guitar Hero game...

b) The mini-panic attack that set in when I thought for a split second that this game was my UPS-delayed mystery belated birthday gift...


c) Watching Mr. Whiskeymarie play Warrant's "Cherry Pie" and hearing him say "I played this one just for you".


Renaissance Woman said...

I might say C...although it's a great song. Flashback to the 80's!

LVGurl said...

Might I add D)? Janey Lane on VH1's Celebrity Fit Club. Totally unrelated, but I can't look at him in all his glam rock glory without thinking of him being weighed-in on giant scales.

Beverly said...

I just got Guitar Hero III for Mothers' Day and think it's the best present since my karaoke machine. I'm seeing a pattern ...

gorillabuns said...

and I would swoon with delight if my husband played it "just for me."

I'm guessing you love Guitar Hero, right?

diatribes and dish said...

How romantic of your Mr.!

McGone said...

Did you throw your panties at him?

L Sass said...

Can you believe I've never played Guitar Hero? That's a travesty!

CDP said...

Under identical circumstances, I would totally have experienced b. Seriously. My husband gave me a remote control once, and a Terps (University of Maryland) sweatshirt another time...totally not beyond the realm of possibility that he'd consider "Guitar Hero" a suitable gift.

Whiskeymarie said...

ren woman- Secretly, I LOVE this song. Shhh...

lvgurl- I rarely catch regular TV, so I missed that. Priceless.

bev- My question went like this: "That's not my birthday present IS IT?" So, you can imagine my relief. The closest I've ever come to enjoying gaming is when I got an Atari-style joystick that allows me to play old-school Frogger. That? Was cool.

GB- I already hate it.

D&D- Luckily, this was a gift FROM the Mr, TO the Mr. He left me out of it. To me, that's romantic enough.

McGone- Yeah, and he threw them back.

lsass- Nor have I. I'm hoping to keep it that way.

cdp- My Mr. alternates between the practical & the impractical but romantic/charming when it comes to gift giving. On one hand he gave me my laptop, on the other he also gives me jewelery. Go figure.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

We're gopign to want photos of a big haired Whiskeymarie in her full metal groupie outfits now. You've spoiled us.

Stacey said...

Oh no, now we lost another one to guitar hero ;)

My stepdaughters are obsessesed.

Perfectly Shelly said...

I'm such an 80's girl.......the photo reminds me of the good 'ole days.

John said...


d) there isn't a Whiskeymarie for every man on the planet.

She's my CHERRY PIE...

; )

Sornie said...

Yeah, 'C' would be the most depressing.

Lollie said...

I don't think my last comment made it through so I'll try again.

Pardon my ignorance on names, but is Hair Band Dude on the left seriously making a Charlie's Angels Montage gang sign? Or is he just doing "this is the church, this is the steeple..."

BigBottomMcGee said...

Haha. I think one of my brothers had that poster in his room back in the day. :) I love Guitar Hero. The only thing I love more is winning.

Candy said...

Ahh Guitar Hero. I couldn't love a game more. Except maybe Rock Band.

Winter said...

Ah love.

Gwen said...

I totally understand your reaction mentioned in "B." I once received a DVD recorder for my birthday. I cried. BTW, have you received your "UPS-delayed mystery belated birthday gift"? I'm dying to know what it is!

pistols at dawn said...

Did you flash him for his efforts?

Suze said...

I love my Guitar Hero. Even more than french fries. Not as much as cheese and bacon on french fries...but more than plain french fries.

The Grand ChaHee said...

I hear playing Guitar Hero is really really fun when you're high. Well, that's what all the kids do now when they're high--so I've heard...

**BTW--I think "Cherry Pie" means true love.

Ben said...

Classic, I got that thing a while back; good times.


Jon said...

"So I mixed up the batter, and she licked the beater."

I'm pretty sure Warrant stole that line from Shakespeare.

Regardless, Mr. WM puts the Hero in Guitar Hero.

dguzman said...

Tres romantique! After the song, it was hot monkey lovin' all night, right?

Amaya said...

He's so romantic!

Red said...

Given the "quotes" used in "a", I think Mr. Von Partypants should bear all the blame for this purchase.