My life is a virtual blizzard of excitement right now. Yup. Maybe later I'll tell you all about my recent adventures in shoveling, or I'll dazzle you with a tale of what I ate for lunch yesterday (Pho- it was delicious, end of story).
That being said, since I feel I need a life beyond the walls of my messy, under construction abode, and I need to converse in actual words with actual human beings, I'm off to the MOA with my girl Blondie to buy things like brassieres, high-end hobos and slippers.
I leave you with a picture I unearthed yesterday that pretty much sets the standard for "awkward" when referring to those horrible, uncomfortable, ugly years that I fondly remember as "Whiskeymarie's androgynous pre-teens."
-The woman with not even one tiny speck of shame left formerly known as Whiskeymarie
(your Mom after she saw the picture): I told you to open your eyes. Why didn't you open your eyes? That's it. You're doing the reshoot young lady.
Wow. That picture speaks to me. It says, "Hey, my name is Brad. Want to go to old man Ferguson's empty pool and skate the hell out of it, smoke some terrible weed, and dream about the day we'll pool our money and buy a Camaro?"
I can't say it any better than Pistols did so I won't even try.
I love the classic midwestern pairing of turtleneck and plaid shirt...on a girl. I think it's hawt.
And here I thought I was the only tomboy of this SIL duo. Wow!!!!
I would have totally hit on you if I had been your age at the time of that photo. And oyu wold have totally told me you just wanted to be friends because you didn't like me like that. Damn why you got to break my young heart girl?
My kitty is due for a new toy and I was just thinking about what I could get him this time. Thanks for the idea!!
And the pic really isn't so bad. You should see some of my disasters. They're so bad you can't view them without goggles and life support standing by.
Yep, Pistols took the words right out of my mouth too.
I like the necklace poking out of your turtleneck. Mmmmm, sexy.
I have that toy...and my little pussy loves it too.
That picture reminds me of the guy I was in love with in 7th grade named David Morehouse. Are you sure you don't have a fraternal male twin running around somewhere?
My word verfication is cupwoom. Sounds like a female hygene problem.
Looks like the guy I wanted to kiss when I was in 6th grade.
My goodness, you ARE brave!
Dude, I am so jonesin to rock out on some Journey now, and feather my hair back with my back pocket fold up comb.
Or maybe "Girl you'll be a woman soon."
I have a picture from about the same year in my life that would make a stranger say, "Why did they let that boy's feathered hair grow so long?" (Even LONG hair didn't save me.)
You're totally baked in that picture.
Did your mom actually send any of these to relatives? Or did she even buy the photo pack?
thats a HOT shirt
the verification word is COLOON. its even better than a colon!
for a moment, i thought you said you had been kidnapped by lesbians.
then i saw the picture.
we will be gathering the ransom tonight. hang in there.
It beats my junior high phase where I looked like a 40 year old permed, secretary. And frankly, it's the perfect segue into your goth years!
I had the same shirt in one of my pics along with my bugs bunny buck teeth.
It's amazing I ever got a date in life.
It is a cute pic but....and I know I'm not the first to ask .....dude were you high? If so, what with and do you have any left?
(my word verification is "shaven" no lie)
Wow. Thank you for posting that.
Thank god you got cuter, huh?
Love the tree, dude, you rock!
I don't know what all those other people are talking about. You don't really look much different. (You do look like you're high, but who wasn't, back then?)
Word verification = physto. That's just... uncalled for.
I love how you are just so uninterested in it all.
I have a few of those androgynous ones in my archives too. I tried to go for the Dorothy Hammill pixie do, but no one told me you had to style it to keep it looking like hers.
Loving the necklace popping out of the turtleneck..This could be construed as "trendy" for that time.
You gots styles for miles and miles.
Hey, how are you doing?
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