Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A rare, but brief political moment.

Early observations from the inauguration:
  • I love that they keep showing the movers taking the Bush's stuff out of the White House as all of this is going on. Like it CAN'T WAIT. Like this is how they let the outgoing President know that they've been evicted- they just come home as usual and their stuff is gone like a bad breakup.
  • Bush Sr. and Barbara wearing matching purple scarves. If he had been just a factory worker instead of President, I would venture to guess that this would be the stage in their lives when they would start wearing matching satin bar jackets with their names embroidered on them to the local meat raffle and/or church.
  • Holy shit- that's a lot of people. I'm having a panic attack just looking at it. I'd hate to be stuck in the middle somewhere and have to pee.
  • It's nice to have to foxy chicks as the first ladies who don't appear to hate their husbands.
  • Dubya looks confused. Maybe he's wondering where the cake is. They said there'd be cake, dammit. I think it's oddly appropriate that he is losing his job right now. I'm guessing that he's not worried about how he'll pay the mortgage with his unemployment bennies, though.
  • Obama is wearing a red tie- I was kind of hoping for yellow, yet I'm not sure why I even thought about that.
  • I'm happy that I can pack up my elaborate escape plans to Canadia, which is somewhat bittersweet for me as they involved not only several donkey rides, but also a brief stint in the circus. On one hand, I would adapt well to the weather and my accent is already halfway there so I'd totally blend in- but on the other hand I don't think I could eat Poutine (or as I like to call it, Pootang) no matter how much Canadian whiskey I had consumed.
  • No matter what your politics or expectations of this administration, I think that most of us can agree that today is a pretty good day for us 'Mericans.


John said...

Watching streaming video of it all in my office right now. A lunch hour well spent. : )

P.S. - isnit Dubya always confused?

Dr Zibbs said...

Pretty good stuff.

Bill Hipps said...

I personally would wear a Tabasco brand tie...nothing says professionalism like a novelty tie.

Melissavina said...

When Elizabeth Alexander stood to give the poem she looked a little like she was going to shit her pants, that's a big group of people.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Poutine, mmmmmmm.

Giggle Pixie said...

If I was in that crowd I WOULD be having a panic attack. Holy shit, indeed!!!!

Keith said...

I personally think that Dubya's confused look is one of "I can't believe that I violated so much of the Constitution and still am a free man!"

Just a hunch.

MtnMama said...

I can't do crowds.
I like looking at the pictures, though.

LOVE Michelle's green shoes...

Yes, it IS nice to see a First Couple who look like they like each other.

I feel sorry for the kids, though; ZERO privacy from now on.

W always looks like that - I don't think he has that many faces. Smirking Arrogance, Hostile Defensiveness, and Confused. And they all kind of blend into one another.

Damn! This is a great day!

Renaissance Woman said...

I agree...with all of it actually! Yeah for us, history happened right before our eyes. I would have loved to be in the middle of that crowd...but I might have needed a plan to pee.

Lollie said...

What?!! No mention of Aretha's FABULOUS hat? That (other than his entire speech) was the highlight for me.

CDP said...

Best day ever. I'm five miles away, and I'm watching it on TV--husband is on duty and I can't deal with two little kids on the Metro by myself in this kind of crowd.

Imnotbenny said...

Where do they have these meat raffles, anyway? What kind of meat merits a raffle? How would you offer this meat to friends? "Hey, come on over for a bar-be-que, friends and neighbors! I gots me some raffled meat!"

What's the correct procedure for picking up your raffled meat if your number gets picked? Do you run up there, arms pumping, like on the price is right?

I'm going to be thinking of this all day.

I mean, the whole new President thing is good, too.

H said...

"Dubya looks confused. Maybe he's wondering where the cake is. They said there'd be cake, dammit."

Oh WM I laughed soda out my nose on that one. Thanks for bringing some cheer to my otherwise awful work day.

And yes, I would absolutely be having a panic attack in that crowd.

I thought the girls were the best dressed in the place. Adorable!

Kate said...

I cried today. Happy tears. No more President Fearmonger.


Anonymous said...

Yes indeedie, it's a great day!

It was on the news yesterday that 95 workers take the old stuff out and bring the new stuff in in about 4 hours! Including painting! Crap! And the old and the new pay their own moving expenses. I did think that odd.

On a side note....it was a high of 44 for me today. Don't know how they're standing it up there.


gorillabuns said...

BUT we don't know if they hate their husbands, now do we?

Poobomber said...

Once you have Pootang, you never go back.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

I think the red tie psychologically represents the color of a winner.
Like Tiger Woods. He always wears a red shirt on the last day of a golf tournament.
It must be a "foxy", focused, young man thing.

And...my word veri is "redit"
like red it izzz..

Anonymous said...

Not to ruin all of the "Obama Fever" or anything, but I think some of the excitement is both that and a whole lot of "Goodbye W - and don't let the door hit you butt on the way out!!"
And YES, it is nice to have a younger couple in office that don't appear to have crocheted their children for once!!
~ Renata1967

g said...

Yeah, baby!! I watched it in a grimy break room with a bunch of black and latino laborers, and the amount of boisterous joy in that room was fantastic!!!

Suze said...

Wait, I couldn't concentrate after "cake" was mentioned.

kkryno said...

I hope the Obamas checked the silverware drawer after W exited.

On another note: Poutine=eeewww!
That stuff looks nasty.

Thanks for making me laugh, once again!

Kim said...

The lady who read the poem sounded like a GPS device.
I was a little distracted today though; we got almost an inch of snow here which is very rare for our city and practically the whole town shut down for it. As a Minnesotian, you would've certainly peed yourself if you saw how such a small amount of snow caused such a stir.

O.G. said...

Great George W. inner monologue.

Winter said...

I thought there was going to be cake too.

Iheartfashion said...

Amen, Whiskey Marie!
Goodbye and good riddance to W. I've never seen him look anything other than confused and out of his element and inauguration day was no different. As my 8-year old remarked, "A village in Texas has its idiot back!"

T said...

Yay! Yay yay yay! If only I can be as foxy as Jill Biden at 60 ... WOW!!

We all gathered to watch. With burritos. Good stuff. I managed not to cry until I looked across the table at my officemate, who was bawling.

surviving myself said...

I kept waiting for Bush to fall asleep. I couldn't believe he didn't.

Student/Teacher said...

This is the first inauguration I have ever watched. I was too depressed when Bush won (twice) and was only 12 when Clinton was sworn which meant I was still living at home in a house without a television.

Stacey said...

My workplace actually broadcast it for us in a conference room. I knew I stuck around here for a reason

Grant Miller said...

I'd like to escape to Quebec. It's beautiful.

i am playing outside said...

Mmm... poutine...

Mmm... Canadian whiskey...

As for the tie [not AS delicious] I had assumed he'd wear a dark blue tie with some sort of small white diamondy pattern. Why did we both pre-think about his tie?

Lisa said...

I was glad to see yesterday come and Bush go, bless his heart.

Stefanie said...

Did you see The Daily Show yesterday? Jon Stewart called Bush Sr. the most foppish of all Vikings fans.

Scope said...

A former co-worker was in the crowd. Some people she was with wore Depends. She opted for her dignity, walked backed to her hotel room*, and peed in comfort and watched the rest on TV.

She live just across the river and works a couple blocks from the White House, but due to security stuff, it was easier for them to get a hotel downtown than to try and get there from her place.