My blog wife Gwen got an amazing vintage coat the other day, which reminded me of an obsession of mine that I kind of forgot about once I started obsessing about things like cat poop and stray hairs.
Hello, my name is Whiskeymarie and I have an odd addiction to vintage coats.
"Hi, Whiskey!"
I'm up to about 28-30 now, having gotten rid of a few along the way. Yes, I used to have more. I think I like them because they're totally unique. I tend to lean towards colorful ones, much like my love of sparkly things and rainbows.
A sampling (ignore the bad photography and "I haven't bathed or brushed my hair yet" look):
I bought this orange leather number at an Uptown vintage store now long out of business. I think I paid $40 for it, which at the time (9-10 years ago) seemed like a lot for me. I freaking love this coat. It's got metal fasteners like the kind on your yellow raincoat when you were a kid.

I like orange, it seems. The next one was part of three awesome winter coats that my awesome mother-in-law gave me. I love them all, but this one is the most fun to wear. It weighs about 60 pounds, and I'm guessing it has a lot of mohair in it as it's fuzzy. It has round ball buttons and is warmer than my poofy down coat, so it's a nice one to have on insanely cold days when I want something fun that doesn't make me look like a burnt marshmallow.

This one is more of a spring coat, and it needs to be taken in as it is waaay too big. I paid about $20 for it at the Duluth Goodwill's annual vintage sale. It's made of silk and has a great little collar. Once I get it altered, I'll show you a better pic. Mostly I loved the pattern and the fact that it has billowy sleeves that you can't really see here.

I love the crap out of this pink cotton velvet number. I actually wear this one quite a bit, very often to dress up jeans. It's slouchy, has huge, round, velvet-covered buttons, and it just makes me happy to wear it.

This one is another one that I need to get altered as it is more of a "tent" on me than a "coat". I made my girl, Blondie, give it to me out of her humongous and fabulous vintage collection. Again, when it's finished I'll take a better picture. Mostly I love the pattern and the light silk fabric.

I call this one my "hellraiser" coat. I feel very stern in it, but it's actually a pretty fun coat. Ankle length, heavy silk, with an incredible iridescent faux bois (fake wood) pattern. I've never seen anything like it- the tailoring and craftsmanship on this one is astounding. It doesn't have a tag, so I have no other info about it. I've only worn it a few times- mostly in the winter when I'm really dressed up- but wearing it just feels special. My nonexistent makeup and barely-brushed hair don't do it justice here.

This last one I hold on to just because my best friend's grandma gave it to me, and I love the dalmatian pattern. She gave it to me many, many years ago when I complimented her on it- she was cute as a bug. It's way too big, I never wear it, and I probably won't spend the $$ to get it altered, but I like keeping it around. I think maybe I'm waiting to find someone that it "fits"- both literally and figuratively- to give it to.

Happy Wednesday, my silk, double-breasted, finely tailored little garments. Happy Wednesday.
Oh, I love vintage coats! I have a mid-calf length red leather trench with a tie waist. I got it at a Goodwill for $20 back in college when $20 seemed like $200. I still love it to this very day, 11 years later. *swoon*
They are all fabulous (not as much as you) but my favorite is Hellraiser. That material is exquisite.
P.S. I've decided I'm wearing mine when I come to visit in March.
Oh, Whiskeymarie, those are amazing and beautiful. Quite a lovely collection you've got, and they look stunning on you, even if you didn't "do" your hair first.
Don't move to Arizona. You might never get a chance to wear the lovelies again...
Although a couple of those cute silk ones might do well here today; it is rather chilly, around 60 degrees or so, I think.
The Hellraiser coat is hella cool.
(My vintage collection consists of a weird old hat I found in my great grandma's things and a weird old purse I found in a thrift store.)
I'm so full of vintagy jealousy right now, but I'm not surprised in the least - Of COURSE you'd have a fabulous collection like this.
I had one cool orange vintage coat that sadly got ruined (story is long and boring), but once while in NYC with a stylish and gorgeous girlfriend of mine, it got me the best compliment from a gay guy; he freaked out over that coat. My friend was so pissed; she'd been wearing a boring brown bomber jacket at the of the best moments of my life.
Word verification: "Outchee". That is how I feel when I think about my lost coat. And how hot you look in all yours.
Wow, I hate fashion and I LOVE your coats.
You make me want to have fun with clothes!
Little known fact, yer pal Devilham worked in vintage clothing off and on for close to a decade (even was a buyer for years at Oona's Vintage Clothing in Cambridge Ma. One of my co-workers at that time was from/and then moved back to Minneapolis/St. Paul and opened her own vintage store (I don't remember the name of it) but I like to think that's one of the stores you got one of your coats in. She was a tiny little thing (if that rings a bell), named Julie....sound familiar?
I like the orange one and the leopard one.
I used to have a ton of vintage coats, too...those are beautiful.
Best. Nachos. Ever.
I love "stern" Whiskey.
I love these coats!! But that second one, with the mohair, is smashing. I would LOVE to have a coat like that!
I've been on the lookout for years for a cool bomber-jacket that fits me...the search continues. Amysue
I love the hellraiser coat. I feel like you should be slapping me around while you wear that one.
I like them all but the leopard especially. Yes, please please show us the purse/jewelry/etc collection.
You would love my mother-in-law's closet. It seems as if every family get together ends up in a hilarious fashion show. She's got coats, hats, dresses, and probably even shoes from the forties on up.
Regarding that second to last picture, you would have made a kick ass Schoolmarm. Could you take that picture again with a ruler in your hand? Play a little Van Halen "Hot for Teacher"to set the mood.
You had me at "orange." How I love that color.
And I loved my spotted dogs (have proudly been owned by 3), god rest their puppy dog souls. If you ever want to part with any of those coats, you must let me know!
I think I threw up in my mouth a little.
Please send the invitation to the WM lingerie show to my mail hole. No need for a 'regrets only' option.
Oh, and my captcha below is "prewax" (I kid you not) so I'll leave the Brazilian thing up to you.
you were born to be a vintage coat model. better look into that career path!
impressive collection. i love the orange ones the best!
If I ever go near your closet, I would bore you to death with "oh my gosh, look at that!"
I miss my vinty stuff!
I don't know much about fashion but I have a vintage bomber jacket.
Cool as cool.
Heavy as hell though.
I bailed after "...much like my love of sparkly things and rainbows..."
Love your coats....especially the last one. It looks great on you (but seriously, what doesn't?).
I saw a monkey on a tricycle the other day. Thought about you. Go figure.
Wouldn't you be surprised to get that in the mail!
awesome! i especially love the orange ones. its your colour!
Mojito- watch out- I'm coming to steal your coat...
Legal- I'd totally find a way to wear cute coats, even in AZ. How else will I camouflage my winter bulge?
Gwen- I'm so excited to hang with you in March, I think I peed myself just now.
Jocelyn- Hell yeah- I know it's cool! (Now, if you could just give me a life so I have somewhere to wear it...)
Kim- e-mail me a ballpark figure on what size you wear, and thou shalt receive.
Erin- Do it! Have fun with clothes! Don't give a shit what other people think- be yourself.
DH- I don't know if I know her for sure, but my minions are checking on this one as I type. I love that you have a MN connection!
Zibbs- Oh, I thought you'd say the naked one, but then I remembered that I didn't post that picture. Oops.
CDP- This goes to show that you should NEVER, EVER GET RID OF ANYTHING. In fact, you shoul live in cluttered squalor if it means hanging on to your vintage lovelies.
Targa- So glad you took my advice- glad you liked the nachos.
Monkey- I always pegged you as a "discipline" sort of guy...
Giggle- If I ever get bored with it- it's yours. Otherwise, keep your hands off, beyotch.
AmySue- I'll be looking for you now...
WendyB- I suspect this was an expensive coat when it was born- if I ever tire of it, it's yours.
Anon#1- Thou shalt receive. Give me a few days...
McGone- will it help if I wear a bikini under the coat? Something tells me it will...
Kirby- You just described every weekend at my house. I think your mother-in-law and I would get along famously. On a side note- does she like vodka?
ballerina- give me a bit and you may have all your wishes fulfilled...
Billy- I keep reading this, and I keep thinking...huh? Am I that gross? Do I offend? ;)
J-dog- You will be the FIRST to know when the WM lingerie show will be airing. Pencil me in sometime after the second coming of Cary Grant.
Feisty- Aw....shucks. But I do love me the vintage coats.
Lisa- I'll give you some vintage if that helps "jump start" the crazy.
SOT- I'm impressed that you don't care about fashion but still read this dreadful post. My "look inside my junk drawer" posts will both mesmerize and captivate you, I predict.
Anon- Um...? If you're joking, I get it. If not- quit reading and move on. But honestly- if you were joking I love you.
Patti- If my only accomplishment in life was that, whenever people saw monkeys doing strange things, that they thought of me- well, I'd be okay with that.
In fact, put that on my headstone: Really liked monkeys doing freaky shit".
IAPO- Seriously- If I win the lottery (the big one, not the piddly, "not rich forever" one), you are totally my personal assistant for life. Put that on your resume and use ma as a reference, if you like.
You go girl! Old is Good! You should see my closet.
I love the Dalmation print. LOVE IT.
Hmmm....Naked women playing football....Now I really do need some nachos.....
Oh, the coats are cool too.
I love the second one, the mohair. What a cute cut. The hellraiser is damned cool, too!
I am terrible, I have only one coat/jacket and I wear it till it dies.
How many baby leopards did you have to kidnap for that coat, Whiskeyella!?
Nice coats all, but I especially loved the groovy orange-y purse. My mom had one just like it!
how great they all are.
you know, if you altered the faux bois one, taking it to knee length, you would wear it twice as much, as it would definitely become very sofia loren on you.
imagine it with a white shirt, black wide legged pants, and a riding boot.
so chic!
Landis- great idea! I never thought of that, and you're totally right- I would wear it all the time then. Yet another reason to love you...
Great pics, as usual. I only have one vintage coat, a black persian wool cape. I'm more of a vintage purse and hat person.
Not you...just those hideous coats.
The last one is my favorite! I decided that before I even read the part about finding someone it fits. I swear.
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