This is a picture of our house, circa 1906, the year it was built.
The little girl on the left was named Helen, and she lived in this house, that her parents built, until she died. Helen's future husband grew up on our block too, across the street and over a few houses.
Ours was the first house on the block. A few changes have been made- the porch was rebuilt into a fabulous enclosed 3-season porch that I love, and a few (very, VERY few) internal updates were made.
I was home one day 5-6 years ago and looked out my back window to see some women standing in my back yard and pointing at my house. Being that I normally don't have groups of middle-aged women hanging out on my lawn, I went out to investigate.
Turns out, they were daughters & relatives of Helen's, and were just in the neighborhood so they decided to stop by, visit my (now deceased) neighbor Doc and take a peek at the house. I took them into the house and showed them what we had done (at the time, it was very cute and I had cleaned, which was surprising most of all to me) and they were very, very grateful. One of them cried. They sent me this picture and a lovely letter about the house, Helen, and the neighborhood.
Yesterday, when I was knee-deep in getting ready to paint the living room, I looked out to see a woman and a teenaged girl peeking in my windows. Not being easily fazed, and remembering that our doorbell is still broken, I went out to see what was up, expecting to get a lengthy speech about how Jesus can save my soul and help me win the lottery.
Lo and behold, this was another of Helen's daughters, just looking to take some outdoor pics of the place. She asked if she could see the inside, and I agreed, knowing full well what she was walking into.
I walked her through and told her about all of the renovations and improvements we were working on. She was happy that we were maintaining the place and helping it make it another 100+ years, but I could tell that it bothered her a bit that we were changing things.
It was our house now, it was no longer hers.
She also confirmed what I had long figured was true- that people had died in my house. Both Helen and her husband died here, and the large window in our living room was the backdrop for many an open-casket viewing- she said that our house was used for this purpose on many occasions.
I'm o.k. with that. I don't think Helen would approve of my non-catholic status, but I think she'd like what we've done with the place. As much as I bitch, I love my house. I love my warm, maple syrup-colored hardwood floors that are perfectly worn, I love the high ceilings downstairs, I love the simple woodwork, I love that many of the windows still have the original 1906 glass with bubbles and flaws, I love my giant rhubarb patch in the back yard, and I love that this house was loved from day one.
I'm going to have Helen's daughter over when we're done (which, by NASA's latest estimates, should be roughly around Spring 2045) so that she can see the finished product. I felt bad that everything (and I mean every single room) looks like a war-torn third world country, and I'd hate to think that she thinks we live like this all of the time. Most of the time, but not ALL of the time. Sheesh, we are civilized adults, you know.
Oddly enough, I hope she likes it.
Whiskey, I just checked and those relatives if Helens DIED 30 YEARS AGO!!! They're ghosts!!! And that call you just got from them? We traced it and it's coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!!
That is so cool. My house was built in 1913 and I wish I knew something about who lived here when it was built. The only interesting thing I know is that a back room was built on, with it's own entrence, during the depression. Many of the houses in our neighborhood have these. The homeowners rented out these rooms for income.
I feel your pain. While I'm not caught up in a remodeling situation anymore, it feels like we've been lving in limbo all summer. We move next week though! YAY!
Very cool. Our house has some interesting history, too, including a rather gory death which only freaks me out if I think about it too much.
That is so cool! What a sweetie you are to give tours.
A house's history means something. At times during our remodel I have felt creeped out by not knowing the full history (and our house is only 3 - or 5 - years old) of the house.
I like to think of houses as beings. I think both of our houses are happy that they're being updated and maintained. :)
So if I just show up on your lawn and point, you'll take me through the house and feed me things made of rhubarb and - if I ask politely - some of that Turkey Sausage Potato Hash? Sweet! Because The Girl and I have a free weekend coming up. Just keep looking out the window for us.
McGone- It's o.k. to visit unannounced, just don't be surprised if I'm not wearing pants.
Zibbs- NO!!!! Now I shall run outside into the woods in my white nightgown while they chase me. Oops! I tripped an fell into this puddle. AHHHH!!! Now my nightie is all see-through and they're coming after me with pitchforks...
Ballerina- I'd love a room like tha, with it's own entrance. That's pretty cool, actually.
punchline- I once lived in a rented house where a guy had killed himself by slitting his own throat just as his newly-ex girlfriend walked in. The landlord saved the knife and showed all of the new tenants the spot in the basement where you could still see the blood that had seeped through the floor.
Monkey- Yay for you! Finally! Had we not renovated, we'd probably be moving into a new house right about now, just like you.
kate- I think my house is much happier now- at least I like to think so. I'm pretty sure it's more exciting now.
I see some familiar trim (the "base blocks") in your house that relates it in some way to my 1899 house. Strangely, though, nobody from my house's past has wandered through the back yard to point, stare and be given a tour.
I love knowing the history of houses like that. My tenants ask me about the building we live in but I haven't been able to turn anything up.
It's so nice that you invited them in. My mother's house was also built in 1906, it's a rowhouse in Philadelphia and very typical of its time.
I'm pretty sure my cat sees the ghosts of owners past in our 1895-vintage house, which is fine as long as they stay invisible to me.
It's o.k. to visit unannounced, just don't be surprised if I'm not wearing pants.
That's actually how you'll recognize us! Brilliant minds undress alike!
nice story. i love that they sent you that photo!
are you keeping that red wall from the civilized adults photo? that's excellent.
LOL @ Dr Zibbs.
ACK!!! We hate summer, love craft fairs, wine, eating, the 80's hair and clothes and bands we used to love, we adore cats and both "want" more...AND NOW THIS.
My home was also built in 1906! and I love it too. And I am sure it will be 2030 before we finally are done. At least.
Do NOT tell me you bought it in 2000 or I will call a blog-exorcist! :)
I am freaking out just the tiniest bit.
God I'm so rude, I meant to say.. post more pictures now.
Post more pictures!
I'm one of Helen's daughters. I'll be visiting next week. Will you please cook something wonderful for me? Thanks!
Thats awesome. I wouldn't want to go back and see my old houses. Just driving by my old house from when I was 3 and seeing them not trim the hedges like my mom always did makes me angry.
I would hate to know someone died in my house. A little while after we moved in, I realized there was a lock on the bedroom across from mine, so that it could be locked from the outside, and it scared the crap out of me.
I love the rare appearance of the softer, gentler Whiskeymarie. Lovely story hon.
Did they find the bodies in the crawl space?
That is so cool they sent you that picture!! I think it's so neat for you know so much about your home and its history. Not too many people could be so lucky.
~ Renata1967
our house
I love old houses.
After my Grandpa died I went to their old farm and the new owners were nice enough to let me look around. Biggest mistake ever. It's not so much that they were changing things, they were trashing our beloved farm and they bulldozed down the barn we grandkids used to play in. I drove away muttering,"trashy-ass-trashypeople!" and cried the whole way home. I wasn't being mean. They were disgusting, the house smelled and was damn near fallen apart and they were living in that house I would have fought World War 3 to have back. And they uprooted the damn raspberries I used to pick.
I'm not even sure why I'm ranting about this since it's totally off topic. Still though.
I love this story! So cute! Most people would never know so much history on their house, let alone have old pictures... how cool is that?
I'm sure Helen's daughter understands and will be much more appreciative once you invite her over and make her some wonderful food!
I think it's soooo cool that you have this photo of your house from 'back in the day'. I just love old houses and have always wanted to buy one and restore it. I live vicariously through your restoration projects and updates.
Also, thanks so much for the sweet things you said this morning. it's soooo appreciated! :)
What became of that little tree out front?
I hope no one ever looks in my windows.
Hmmm...they could see me doing some bad things to my.............oops....sorry.
Have a Great night.
I love that photo! How cool to have a house with such history and so many tenants before you. I wish mine was older than 18...
since I am kind of drunk and don't really have anything to add, I will just say this:
Is it bad that I want to eat a Hot Pocket at 11 o'clock in the PM?
How many daughters does this woman have? And how random that they continue to just show up and look inside the windows. I wouldn't feel bad...they are the ones who just show up! I think that after all of the work it's going to be great!
The previous owner of the house I grew up in had tried to kill his wife there.. by slowly poisoning her.
There is an odd cut out section of dry wall behind the refrigerator where he is said to have kept the mercury he was giving her.
She grew gravely ill and sick of him and moved out. She of course made a full recovery, but could never prove he was trying to kill her.
You know they're talking about making another Ghostbusters right? I bet they could film at your place!
You could hang out with Winston! And those other guys!
I had a very similar experience here this summer. I was in the kitchen and could see a car in the alley that was sitting right at the end of my walk. I walked out there to let whoever it was know that I was at home and watching them. It turned out to be a gal who grew up in this house. Her parents were the second owners. I'm the 4th. She lived here all her life and told me stories about many places in the house. I had found an old prescription bottle in the basement that was her mother's. I let her have it. She cried. She was supposed to send me old pictures of the house but hasn't done it yet.
nice house -- does it have a mortgage?
Have I ever mentioned I dispise uninvited guests?
My house isn't nearly as old as yours (mine was built in 1950), but it still sort of blows my mind that I'm only the second owner. I guess it wouldn't surprise me too much if I had lurkers outside my window someday, too.
Oh. Also, I have a neighbor who confirmed the same thing for me recently (about someone dying in my house). I'm still a little annoyed with him for spilling that, but as long as the ghost of Ralph stays quiet, I guess I'll try not to let it bother me too much.
I'm not going to lie, but the picture reminded me of something out of a horror movie with ghosts. But I think it's awesome that those people sent that to you. I want to go visit my grandparents house but can't seem to do it yet.
Love your light fixtures!
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