Conversation in the car this weekend with the Mr. on our way to Duluth:
Mr: "Oh yeah, happy anniversary."
Me: "It's tomorrow, isn't it? I almost forgot."
Mr: "No, it's today."
Me: "Really? I thought for sure it was the 31st, not the 30th."
Mr: "No, it's today."
Me: "No it's NOT. (thinks a second) Are you sure? Really? I could swear it was tomorrow."
Mr: "Nope. Today."
Me: "Are you positive? I remember it being the 31st."
Mr: "Yes, I'm positive."
Me: "Well, o.k. I need to check the marriage certificate when I get home, just to make sure- cause I'm pretty positive that it's tomorrow. (Pauses in disbelief that she may be wrong despite displaying this sort of behavior before.) Um...happy anniversary? I guess I didn't get you anything. Oops?"
Mr: (rolls eyes) "It's the 30th. Trust me. And I didn't get you anything either."
Me: "God, we're romantic, aren't we?"
Mr: "Uh...sure."
Guess what?
I'm sitting here right now with the certificate from Clark County, Nevada that clearly lists August 31st, 1996 as the date of the blessed VonPartypants nuptials.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Smartypants VonPartypants.
Oh, and- Happy Anniversary, I guess.
God, how I do so love being right.
If you want mushy sentiment you can read last year's entry. Due to a defective gene in my DNA, I can really only muster that shit up once every ten years or so.
Such a romantic, I am.
Sounds like us. We always have to look at the wedding certificate to find out when our anniversary is. October/November is as close as I can remember without looking.
Happy Anniversary to you and the Mr.
We picked an easy date of 7/7 just for this reason. I read your post from last year, kind of cried a little.
Congratulations on 12 years! Way to mix up the bliss and boredom.
For your anniversary, I hope your hubby shared the three little words every woman wants most to hear from her man...
Oh right, not to each other. Got it.
Jon Bon Jovi and Lorenzo Lamas are married? Man, their kids are going to have some magnificent hair!
Happy Anniversary! We have to look at some crummy wedding present that someone gave us that had the date of our wedding "labeled" on it to remember. Yes, I said label as in label maker and not engraved. Thank you Aunt Ruth.
How very post modern of you to not celebrate. Or how very sane. I can't decide which.
Happy Anniversary Von Partypantsian people!!
I recall last years post... I had just started reading you and I think I was a little afraid of you.
Mwah! That was then baby- this is now.
happy belated anniversary, von partypanters! on that very special day you were having a very elvis wedding, i was laying on the curb drunk outside my parents house fresh from the most boring 21st birthday party ever. my then boyfriend was plying me with pier one trinkets and a donna lewis cd. i can still taste the rum and pineapple.
if you're right,
does that make you happy?
(it does me. not a judgement. just an observation.)
My anniversary is today, and I didn't remember until about 9:30 am. We don't exchange gifts or mushy sentiments either, so we're right there with you. We do both agree on the anniversary date though.
Ah, the sweet taste of victory!
I remember last year's post too, thinking THEY STOOD WHERE JON BON JOVI STOOD! And that was without irony. I still love that man, no matter how much I get made fun of.
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
If I had stayed married, our anniversaties would only be a couple months apart. But I didn't.
Good on you! Congrats (three days ago.)
Happy late anniversary to you, you crazy kids!
McGone--I'm pretty sure Lorenzo Lamas once fooled around with Richie Sambora. You know, a little touchy touchy the no-no place...
The only thing I love more than being right is finding a super bargain at Marshall's. And as far as anniversaries go... I've given up on every hoping for something romantical. I'm on your side of things. Give up completely and every ten or so years put in a little effort.
My problem with those kinds of arguments is that I'd rather be right than allowed to sleep in bed with someone, so I'd get the points for remembering, then lose them all by lording it over the other and being a massive douche about it.
It's just how I express love.
No? They never buy that, either.
Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Smartypants VonPartypants!
And I read last year's post. Glad you got a keeper Whiskey. : )
HEY....on our anniversary at MY house....My wife let's Me have Prison Sex with her!
Cuz I deserve it!
I was married either on the June 29 or 30th. My son was born on either 29th or 30th. I still can't get it memorized. This coming from the guy that forgets how old he is. BUT,I can whip stupid facts out of my butt in seconds flat like did you know the ostrich DOESN'T hide his head in the sand? It's a fact.
Yeah, that sounds like me and the hub. One year we totally forgot until 3 months later.
Happy Anniversary. Go shopping or have sex. Or both. Whatevs....
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! And now he didn't even need to get you anything...being right is always gift enough for me.
Happy Anniversary! And he did give you a present...he gave you the gift of being right!
This is so funny! My parents anniversary is the 29th. My Mother called me they wanted to come over the next day to pick up two beach chairs. I supper cheerfully said "Happy Anniversary!!" After a moment of silence, she said "Oh, that! It's tomorrow." I told her it was the 29th and she insisted that the 29th was tomorrow. Finally she looked at a calendar then said "Silly me. I guess I forgot! Your Father better NOT forget though. He better come home with "something." He did, flowers, candy and a little present. She gave him a kiss.
Oh man, what I wouldn't give to hang out with Lamas just one time. He's still alive, right?
Isn't there a rule that after the first five years you no longer have to give presents every year ? Only on like the big ones right you know 10,15,20 etc.
I know it's written somewhere. It's just gotta be.
Felt the need to comment on this one as my very first marital anniversary is approaching! We plan on arguing over 90's song lyrics that we shouldn't admit knowing, our "real" first date, who said "I love you" first and money while driving to our nation's capital where we will celebrate commitment and bask in the glow that is our first year of marital bliss.
Yay you. Yay us. Yay to the world.
I should just go ahead and start a blog so I won't have to yet again sign off as....
Devoted Reader
P.S. I think you're pretty neat. Glad to see you back in action. Love the patriotic man-junk.
Me, not you. I'm the dork. This shit just flies out of my mouth.
Happy anniversary! You are definitely the smart one. I never remember shit like that...
Happy belated Anniversary!
I did the Vegas wedding thing myself. Our video of the ceremony was a whopping six minutes long.
We eloped so it was just the two of us along with the Reverend in a chapel that held 35. When I asked where the witness was the Reverend told me that she was in another room, manning the front desk watching on the ceremony on the video monitor. She assured me that it was perfectly legal. Uh, ok.
You got married in Vegas? I hope that for the next big one you will come back here and let me take your photos.
But besides all that... I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in being against the mushy, gushy, "I need a big, fat diamond or I'm going to divorce your pathetic ass vibe."
Happy Anniversary!
It's acceptable to forget your wedding date if it's been more than five years.
Try getting married twice and remember which is your anniversary. :)
Well, what do you expect from someone who married at the Graceland Chapel on Sunset Strip (way too cool)?
Happy Happy! P.S. Defective DNA is so hot right now.
Actually, this is totally like me and my husband.
We were sitting around the house one night a couple years ago, and my mother called us.
My mom doesn't usually, call, she waits for me to call, so this was unusual. I was a little worried.
turns out she was calling to wish us a happy anniversary. I went - "huh?"
then got into a whole thing about, "wait is it TODAY?"
Plus when we moved to CA, my husband and I didn't remember what box the marriage certificate was kept in. so it took us 3 years or so to find it and really know what day our anniversary was.
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