The other day, I was driving along and I spied this.
So I actually stopped and took a picture of a rainbow.
Then I took out my "Hello Kitty" journal and wrote a nice long entry about how I don't like it when people are mean to puppies and how much I wish fairies were real. I made sure to dot all of my "I"s with smiley faces. God likes it when you do that.

Which reminds me...
I'll be adding this to the permanent collection as soon as the artist, Fredwick deSparkles signs it. He hasn't had a lot of time for his art lately, what with working double shifts at the 7-11 and all. The pay isn't great, but the slurpees and nachos are free, and he can take home all of the outdated magazines that he wants. Sweet!
Note to self: Rethink career move.
After the "rainbow incident" I needed a little freshening up in the breath department.
Ahhh, banana and mint. Together at last.
On the way home, this guy thought he could intimidate me into being a better driver. Ha!
It's like he knew my head had been full of rainbows and monkeys all day.
I'll show YOU, Mr. hearse guy.
I can drive with my eyes shut! Look at me! Look at me!
Oops. Sorry Ma'am. Didn't mean to scare you like that. I'll be exiting now. Thank you.
The end.
Please tell me you are kidding about the banana and mint. Because that sounds just WRONG.
Nope, it's real. They're not really BAD- but they're not really GOOD, either.
I am weak when it comes to monkey merchandise.
Did you write your diary entry with your troll pen?
WM, will you sign my yearbook at the next exit? BFF - KIT
Oooo, your unicorn picture reminded me: I just heard they're about to open a store for cryptozoologists here in Boston. What's that, you say? Cryptozoologists are apparently people who study mythical beasts. A whole store. For unicorn and Big Foot and Nessie lovers. Kinda gives you the shivers, doesn't it?
Banana and mint is just about as wrong as having a whole store for cryptozoologists.
McGone- YES I did!!!!OMG!!!LOL!!!!
Suze- YES!!!OMG!!!BFF!!!(And I totally love your yearbook pic. Braces are totally hot on you.)
Lala- Wow. That is wrong on so many levels. I must go there. Let me know if they have any sasquatch slippers.
Girl - I love this on so many levels. But I think you meant to write Frederick Sparkles designs it, although I totally love the idea that someone has the last name "deSparkles".
How does Gretta deSparkles sound?
I think that was the most photgraphed rainbow in Twin Cities history. It was beauteous, though.
Every once in a while I'm haunted by my old unicorn obsession. Like when my mom tried to talk me out of selling my brass unicorn mirror at her garage sale a few years ago.
TG- Strangely enough, that IS what I meant. Fredwick comes from a long line of deSparkles, directly decended from King Wilbur deSparkles IV, of Estonia.
Remember, squirrels pretty much control my every thought. Without them I might actually make sense.
You crack me up. I love the rainbow pic. I'm going to have to look for those monkey mints...just to see...
I might need that unicorn poster. Like, NOW.
i like rainbows too
For a blog filled with great posts, you may have outdone yourself here.
You make me laugh.
You don't need much else in life: slurpees and nachos are it!
There was a rainbow here the other day too. I tried to capture the moment on my cell phone camera, but you can't really see what's going on in the picture. Cameras in cell phones... What are they good for?
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