Monday, February 2, 2009

Butter my muffin

I'm running late, but here's a quick recap of my weekend, in bullet form because I know you're easily confused:
  • I accidentally watched 3/4 of "The Ice Princess" because I couldn't reach the remote and was too lazy to move. Couple that with my ability to watch shockingly bad movies for no apparent reason and a big glass of sauvignon blanc and that's what you get- Kim Cattrell playing a bitter, aging figure skater too busy reliving her dreams of glory through her daughter to see the mousy friend who has the potential to be a SUPERSTAR...ON ICE! Cheesy soundtrack, and no nudity or swearing, so I was completely lost.
  • My cat let loose a hot smelly fart directly on my arm. It felt as gross as it smelled.
  • While I was watching shitty movies, I was reading a Marie Claire magazine from September '08 (yes, that's how far behind I am, but dammit I'm reading them all and getting my money's worth!). They had an interview with that nice Obama Barak fellow, but I don't think he's got a chance in hell of winning the election, in my opinion. They also had some nice fashion ideas for Christmas. Maybe that $3500 purse is finally on sale by now...
  • I painted my husband's office for him while he was out of town to watch hockey. Yes, unfortunately you read that right. I sure hope he likes unicorns and rainbows as much as I do.
  • I made muffins:
They were from this cookbook. I have been craving them for weeks, but I remember them being more awesome than they seemed. But still, they're pretty fucking good and maybe I built them up in my mind too much, Like, "Holy crap those are the best muffins in the history of muffins in the history of the WORLD!" sort of too much. Lemon on top of lemon on top of lemon with a little ginger. I highly recommend this book if you like baking and are willing to try some more "involved" recipes.

That's it for now as I'm not just a little late, I'm moving into "embarrassingly" late territory with every second that passes. Sorry for stealing this monumentally boring three minutes from you, and no- you can't cop a feel as payback.

Happy Monday, my little farty muffintops. Happy Monday.



Gwen said...

Skylar had gas this weekend, too. Weird.

I love all things lemon.

Did Mr. like the paint job?

Bubs said...

"My cat let loose a hot smelly fart directly on my arm. It felt as gross as it smelled."

That is possibly the most compelling and disturbing line I've ever read on any blog, anywhere. Well done!

Giggle Pixie said...

I would de-gas your cat for you in exchange for one of those muffins. Or maybe two. lol

Erin Alberty said...

I love watching terrible movies for no reason. Twister is my favorite.

John said...

I would not watch your movie, read your magazine, or smell your arm, but I WOULD eat your muffin : )

Some Guy said...

They used to call me "Farty Muffintop" in grade school.

Okay, they didn't. But I wish they had.

Mommy Lisa said...

HOLY MUFFINS! Bring some to Galtier Plaza lobby immediately...

That movie did suck - I watched it with my step-daugher.

Stacey said...

Again, John has made my day with his comments.

Hey what can i say I'm easily amused.

And if it was possible to fall more in love with you...I have after that watching bad movies comment cuz dammit if I don't do it too

Kim said...

I'd pay twenty bucks for one of those muffins right now. This is the bad time of day for me with regard to pointless snacking. Not that your muffin would be pointless...oh, this is getting dumber by the second. I hope you had a nice weekend.

WendyB said...

I suddenly think I'm not a cat person.

Lollie said... kitty died before she could fart on my arm. Somehow I feel cheated.

A muffin would make me feel better though. However, could you remove all the lemon and replace it with chocolate please and thank you.

kilax said...

I rented Ice Princess from the library on purpose. And yesterday I watched Little Black Book on tv. I think we have a similar problem! ;)

Those muffins look so good. I LOVE lemon!

Bill Hipps said...

I want two!

Lisa said...

The Pussies for Peace would like for you to issue an apology to your cat and felines everywhere. They don't FART. They let out air. According to them, it's like the difference between a hot fudge sundae and those muffins.

Such pain in the cat-butt sticklers they are.

Kat said...

I never used to be late until I became internet involved.

It's like being stoned the way it makes me lose track of time.

Anonymous said...

Monkeys, ducks.

Tomato, tomatoe.

Did you see this? In your town!


Student/Teacher said...

Ha! Muffintop....

Its just fun to say.

Fancy Schmancy said...

Huh, my kitties don't fart much; but I'm happy to say that when I do, my animals don't really mind it. Or was that too much information? I don't really have any gas, but if I were to, it would smell like roses.

Haha, my word verification is floriat. I'm assuming that means farts that smell like flowers.

Stefanie said...

If it makes you feel any better, I once watched "Ice Princess" on purpose. I agree: Kim Cattrell was terrible in it.

Landis said...


cat farts.

kim catrall.


ice princess reference not involving anna wintour.

yep, nothing here. moving on.