Monday, December 1, 2008

Making babies vicariously through others

Today, myself and a few other bloggers are throwing a bit of a virtual baby shower for boozy Mom extrordinaire, Gorillabuns. She's ready to pop any day now, so we sent her a Target gift card and a gift card for dinner for her and the Mr. so they can get the hell out of the house one last time before their life revolves around poop and all things poop-related.
I'm not really sure how I came to know this lovely, trash-talking, hat-wearing, velvet Elvis-owning broad, but I'm sure glad I do. She came around pretty early in my blogging "career", leaving funny and sometimes drunken comments that were generally returned by yours truly in a similar fashion. She's about to have her third, adding yet another goofy, hilarious and disgustingly cute kid to the Universe. For that, we should thank her.

If I had to adopt a Mom that was roughly my age, she'd make the cut. I think it's totally wicked awesome that she promised to name the baby after me: Whiskeymarie if it's a girl, Ginsoakedbruce if it's a boy. Remember- you promised, my dear!

We truly are two peas in a pod:

Make sure you check out everyone else participating- all funny, smart, generous, gorgeous, sexy, talented and modest gals (and dude), much like myself:


Happy Monday, my little baby-making uteri. Happy Monday.



Sizzle said...

Seems Shana has promised to name her kid after a lot of fellow bloggers. ;-) Though Ginsoakedbruce is catchy.

punchlinewalking said...

God, those pictures are priceless!

180|360 said...

I know if it weren't for Gbuns, I would never have found you, so there's a big soft spot in my heart for that alone! And Ginsoakedbruce? HAHA, that's awesome.

mommyknows said...

Photos are funny. The middle one gives me sort of a Sponge Bob vibe. I think it is the teeth!

All the best to Shana. This is my kind of shower. No shopping, no getting read, no small talk with old aunties, no silly games.

CDP said...

You should photoshop a picture with a hat made of paper plates and bows.

Dr Zibbs said...

Great idea.

Angella said...

If I were to have another boy, Ginsoakedbruce would be in the top three choices.

gorillabuns said...

You know, these pictures are proof positive that I really should not drink and post.

And if it's a girl, whiskeymarie is so in contention for the middle name. a boy? ginsoakedbruce is a must since it's my my grandfather's name.

Thank you again for the beautiful gift and ever-so-sweet post. oh, and the virtual cake. You are class all the way baby!

Rhiannon said...

Now I hope it's not a boy so that I may used Ginsoakedbruce as my future son's name. Or, they could just have the same name, Oregon is REALLY FAR from Oklahoma.

LVGurl said...

I am truly excited to meet Ginsoakedbruce. And I am totally taking that name if G-buns has another girl and I somehow have a boy.

WendyB said...

Uh-oh, more blogs to read. Now I'll have to be at my computer 48 hours a day.

pistols at dawn said...

Pregnant on purpose? What kind of crazy bizarro world do you people live in?

Fran said...

Twins- Ginsoakedbruce and Whiskeymarie.

Kind of makes me wish I was a tad younger and able to reproduce!

Stacey said...

I think I'm going to talk to Mr. WM about getting knocked up because I want a baby shower too

Um that was my Mr. WM, not yours.

Congrats Gorilla B!

Ghost Dansing said...

congratulations Gorillabuns.....

Renaissance Woman said...

Perfect...that name just rolls off out of my mouth! Happy baby days.

Lollie said...

Seriously? more fabulous bloggers to check out? I have no time in my otherwise poo filled world (but I will make time, oh yes I will...)

kris said...

Whiskey, I laughed so hard at this I actually choked. On nothing in particular, STILL! one of my highest compliments.

So awesome.


obat penggugur kandungan said...

tenks coments posting frens