Monday, December 15, 2008

Sofa king cold

Come! Move to Minnesota! It's fun!
Today at 6:30 p.m, this was the temperature according to my garage:


Please send mittens, a fireplace, electric unders to thaw out my lady bits, and ample booze to make hot toddies a.s.a.p.

I thank you in advance.


LVGurl said...


We hit 30 degrees today, and I thought that was chilly :)

Some Guy said...

Brutal! It's pretty damn cold here, too. Just all-around miserable: cold, gusty wind, gray, with icy snow hitting you in the face. Whee!

LittlePea said...

Good Lord. Is that a joke? On the bright side I can see the cold weather makes for a good complexion.

BallerinaToes said...

How does your old house keep out the cold? Cause mine isn't keeping it out worth a damn. And it was a whopping 20 degrees here today. The fella is wearing coveralls and a sock hat in the house and the cat has been in a ball at the foot of the bed UNDER the comforter all day.

Gwen said...

Boooo! Altho this does make me feel a little better about the 7 I just saw on my way home. After that I spent 5 minutes out in it trying to thaw out the garage lock so I could put my car inside. No luck. It's going to be a bitch in the AM when I get into my frozen car.

Moe Wanchuk said...

My Furnace never goes off.

We also scrape the INSIDE of our windows....and make SnowCones

Bubs said...

We'd drive up from Chicago with supplies but our cars were frozen shut this morning.

Dr Zibbs said...

WM - if I could think of a way to keep you warm I'd be there in a second, I....wait...I just thought of something. I'm leaving for the airport now.

pistols at dawn said...

It's the only state where self-immolation is recommended.

gorillabuns said...

So, I guess my 15 degrees is downright balmy.

John said...


cjl said...

And no gloves! That's how you can identify a hardy woman!

LegalMist said...

Oh my. And I thought it was cold at 49 degrees at 9 p.m. here. Shows what I know about cold, huh?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

So it's cold there right?

Poobomber said...

Those that live 500 miles directly north of you are chuckling to ourselves, then crying a little on the inside.

Anonymous said...

Hi WM,

I cannot imagine weather that cold. Don't know how you guys do it!!! It was 27 degrees here last week. It's never that cold in Florida this early. This week it's back in the 70's. Screwy weather. Stay warm.............patti

H said...

Winter is bullshit, isn't it? I'm staying inside and not coming out until July.

Kate said...

Yeah, what's the deal with the late-January temps a month early? (Winter wedding? Screw that!)

I didn't need to leave my house yesterday, so I didn't. (I even managed to stay out of the wine.) Today I will pay for it with a nice 2 mile walk from my truck to campus.

Sarah said...

Yeah, and if someone could install one of those vacuum tubs like at the bank between my house and the liquur store, I would be quite grateful. Damn, it's cold here!

On a related note, I checked the weather in Seattle yesterday. It said "bitterly cold". The temp? 27. Above. Pussies.

punchlinewalking said...

I'm such a third grader- I totally giggled about "Sofa King Cold!"

Also, -20 degrees? NO THANK YOU!

McGone said...

I'll be there as soon as someone stops and picks my frozen ass up. Northern Illinois might be a degree warmer, if that.

WendyB said...

Cold weather should be banned.

Lara said...


Also, this is quite weird, but for some reason your subject line made me think of Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he. Hrm.

Talk With No Thought said...

I either need to have it snow already, or for it to be april. I'm tired of this flip-flopper weather.

CDP said...

You Minnesotans are a tough and hardy bunch.

Chiada said...

Holy smokes! I can't even begin to imagine what that feels like. It's been a high of 53 here and a low of 39, which is cold for us. But minus 20??? Sheesh. No thank you. You can keep your cold weather and snow. :P

i am playing outside said...

that's a right fancy Fahrenheit clock what you got there

Mommy Lisa said...

See I LUV that it freaks people out that we live here.

Seriously though I went outside to start my car without my coat on...I felt like I was going to puke on my way back into the house.


Imnotbenny said...

I triple dog dare you to lick the flagpole.

John said...


And you were complaining about your 80° days a few months ago?

COLD BLOODED woman, cold blooded.

P.S. - my comment captcha below is "hotsandybeaches" ; )

Melissavina said...

My dad makes hot toddies every Christmas eve but this year I'll be at Iggie's house. I asked him to move Toddy night to Christmas day but he refuses. What kind of effing Christmas spirit is that? And move to Southern California. We've got no seasons, but we've got sass.

Siana said...

Or...get on a plane and come to Baltimore. It's still chilly, but not that fricking chilly.

Giggle Pixie said...

I'm thinking it's time to start making your morning coffee "Irish".


Suze said...

I don't know how you people up there keep your parts from freezing right off.

Stefanie said...

I was just going to ask where your mittens are! Your finger could freeze to the thermometer in temps that low! (OK, maybe only if you lick it first, but whatever. Mittens are still a good plan.)

Keith said...

That is wicked! I've never been in anything below zero and I ain't looking to start now if I can help it. You need to head south.

surviving myself said...

That is ridiculous.