Friday, December 12, 2008

Three, that's the magic number. Yes it is, it's the magic number.

It's been a busy week, so I don't have much to talk about that isn't work-related, and I'm sure you are uninterested in ways my department is looking to trim our budget in the next year (two ideas we're mulling: using cheaper "variety" meats such as squirrel and hobo, and possibly setting up a brothel in one of the unused classrooms).

I have been encountering odd things in "threes" this week, a fact that I am finding both interesting and slightly disturbing. In no particular order:
  • I passed three midgets/little people in a 30-minute time span. They did not appear to be together, nor was there any sort of convention that I was aware of.
  • I keep encountering the quote, "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." First on Mr. Smither's blog, then on a poster at work, then on a magnet in a store. Is the universe trying to tell me something? Is "the end" some sort of butt reference? Is something wrong with my butt? I'm confused.
  • I tripped three times in two days. No injuries, but what little shame I had left seems to have moved on to greener pastures. I'm re-considering working knee pads and a helmet into my daily wardrobe.
  • Without thinking about it, I ate dinner leftovers for breakfast three days in a row. Today it was curried couscous & veggies that I mixed up with some eggs. Maybe tomorrow I'll have steak and a baked potato or lasagna. I see stretchy, nondescript pants in my future if I keep this up.
Also, I've been going through my 67,845 pictures on my computer and getting a bunch printed up. I have a pack of 294 that will be arriving at my doorstep any day now. Only 67,551 to go...

Here's one of Pooter & Trouble in my underwear drawer the other day:

Now you can say you've seen my pussies in my panties.

Happy Friday, my furry yet well groomed elasticized lace bloomers. Happy Friday.



Whiskeymarie said...

I'm highly embarrassed to say I use Walmart(dot)com for my photos because it is so freaking cheap & easy and (for a fee), they'll mail them so I don't have to set foot in the store.

(hangs head in shame)

LegalMist said...

Definitely on top of your game today, WM!

I'm still laughing, and it's been at least 3 minutes since I finished reading your post.

Happy Friday, my favorite (for today, anyway) blogger!

Gwen said...

I assumed a helmet was already a part of your daily attire. Silly me.

Sornie said...

AMazingly hairy.

In all honesty, I expected to see whips and handcuffs in that same drawer. COlor me disappointed

Talk With No Thought said...

I've been sporting knee-pads for a long time. It just saves time, ya know?

pistols at dawn said...

I got a full body suit made out of nerf to avoid pain. It protects me from cuts, scrapes, and the love of women.

Lurking friend of Maurey's said...

I realize I'm neurotic. I had to recalculate your math. You know, just to make sure that 67,845 pictures less the 294 you're having printed really does leave 67,551 left to print. Sigh.

Mojito said...

I laughed right out loud an embarrassing number of times during this blog. Can I spell that out or is it only okay to use LOL on a blog comment. *stress*

abbersnail said...

How is it that you can make me laugh out loud regardless of my mood? You are such a rockstar.

And my "verification" word is "breepea."

Dr Zibbs said...

You saw three little people in one day? Lucky duck.

Idea #527 said...

Your one cat has crazy green and blue eyes. . .that's awesome!!

I was friends with a midget in college named Rusty. I think he's engaged now too to a normal sized person. That' really all I have. . . and that although this sounds mean. . . but it was really funny when he'd ride a bike.

Giggle Pixie said...

Bully for you, for being brave enough to show off your pussy in your panties on the interwebs! I could never be that bold.


rosalicious said...

Oh man! Hilarious.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Mmmmmmm, whiskey panties.

Kim said...

You continue to convince me I need another kitty in my life. I mean to the point I've started looking online and in the paper. If only I could get a guarantee they'd be as awesome as yours.
My verification word is "dulth" - coincidence? Wait, where's Duluth? Nevermind.

Moe Wanchuk said...

I've never seen a girl with Knee Pads on AND a helmet.

Wow...what a visual.

Renaissance Woman said...

Love the visual! Helmets are always such a good look.

diatribes and dish said...

Hey, if you're thinking about cat #3, I have one that matches Trouble and Pooter purrfectly. Holy shit, I'm lame.

surviving myself said...

Thank you! For months now I've been telling my friends that I've seen your pussy and your panties, but they never believed me!

Now I can tell them with confidence that it's big, black and furry, just like I told them.

Mommy Lisa said...

Wow - I am glad I came out and saw this on Monday - I needed to snort Caribou Coffee out my nose this morning. It is DAMN COLD.


punchlinewalking said...

Holy shit, it took me 3 days to read this post. Something is totally up.

Landis said...

actually looks like you have a pooter in your panties. ew.