Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tastes like victory.


Hows about we just say that my BFF Waffle and I ended the evening by peeing in the back yard because we couldn't get in the house even though the keys were in my purse which was hanging off of my shoulder and leave it at that?



Oh- and? If someone could do me a favor and dispose of this dead squirrel that seems to have expired in my mouth (judging from the taste), that would be awesome.


Poobomber said...

I hope you tried to write your name in the snow. If there wasn't snow, your lawn is pooched.

Trust me, when you write something like "Stop being so childish and let me in, bitch!" in pee on the lawn, it just never goes away.

Bubs said...

I'm sure it was a good time, but from here, reading this, Minnesota is starting to look more like Wisconsin.

i am playing outside said...

please tell me that peeing in the backyard and that dead squirrel taste aren't as closely related as they could be!

Gwen said...

Sounds like you gals had a pisser of a time!

surviving myself said...

Feel free to email me the squirrel.

You're welcome.

nancypearlwannabe said...

I need my own house, so I can pee in the yard when I can't make it inside. If I did that now there would definitely be some explaining to do.

H said...

Open air peeing is the BEST! But I hate the drip dry part.

Does dead squirrel tastes like chicken too?

pistols at dawn said...

You can pee inside?

Some Guy said...

Peeing outside is one of the principles this nation was founded upon. It's what makes this country great. Don't believe me? Check your constitution.

thebestrevenge said...

Man, it was that kind of day yesterday, wasn't it??

Minnesota Girl said...

you didn't use the squirrel for toilet paper, did you?

Giggle Pixie said...

Peeing outdoors can be very liberating. But at this time of year, it could also freeze your hoo-ha shut. Be careful out there.


gorillabuns said...

Just as long as you didn't pee on yourself in the process.

Kim said...

It's been so many years since I've peed in snow, I don't even remember if it really turns yellow anymore.

Lollie said...

Did a jellyfish sting occur somewhere in the evening? Strange there being snow and al...

Fran said...

Sometimes I just go out into the yard and pee, just for the hell of it.

The dead squirrel part is less appealing but often accompanies what brings on the yard pee-fest however.

Idea #527 said...

Hahahahaha!! Hilarious!

One morning at about 6am after a night of drinking my ex Brad and I were laying there and he says "When did Mark and Andrew get a cat?" and I said "They don't have a cat." And he said "Well then explain to me how a cat came in and shit in my mouth??" I got to laughing so hard I almost peed my pants in bed.

The squirrel thing is just priceless.

Renaissance Woman said...

I love those evenings!!!! The visual of both of you peeing in the yard cracks me up! Cheers! oh, guess you already did that...

Winter said...

Snow!??! What's that like?

Stacey said...

Umm, you know what would be really cool...if you could get Waffle to do a guest post ?

Yeah, yeah I know she doesn't get/like/understand/dig blogging...but ask her to do it for me pretty please.

I kinda gotta hear her side of the story.

Mad Woman said...

Ahahahahaha!!! That sounds like my kind of night. Good job!

Could I borrow the squirrel to insert in hubby's mouth?

Landis said...

i leave you alone for TWO WEEKS, and look what you go and do.

lord, woman.

i'm bringing you with me to buenos aires next time. you can teach those argentines a thing or two . . .

abbersnail said...

Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' 'bout!

WendyB said...
