We saw a bunch of these today, blowing around amidst the rain and cold, cold, cold.
I love winter as much as the next "not right in the head" person, but even I think this is a bit...early.
It all melted, but I managed to save you a cup of "snow slushy" that I scraped from the driveway. Pour a little kool-aid on top and you'll never even notice the crunchy bits.
You're welcome.
Happy winter?
Oh I love the crunchy bits the best. Well except those with hair in them. Then that's just gross.
I don't want this yet.
I'm gonna let you in on a secret....When it gets really cold..."It" shrinks....A LOT.
I'm praying to the dark gods that spawned me that we have some snow this year. I'd like to see about 4 measureable snows here this year and then come Feb., it all goes away.
I'm one of the cold-loving weirdos as well. I agree it's a tad early for snow, but since we usually only get one a year, in February, I can honestly say I'm a little jealous!
This post just pushed me over the edge into full-blown S.A.D.
Have to agree with Gwen on this one. I am a total wuss when it comes to the cold. It was 48 this morning (probably for all of an hour!) and I turned the heat on!
Holy crap.....I just checked the weather and it's supposed to be a low of 31 Tuesday morning! Brrrr. In FLORIDA!!!?? IN OCTOBER???
Here, everything shuts down if you just mention the word "snow." We're not very good at winter.
We have snow in the forecast tomorrow. It IS too early! I am going to try to be optimistic about it if I see any.
Living in Northern Michigan we are accustomed to harsh winters, but that first snow is always a little disheartening. You know it's just gonna keep getting deeper and deeper.
Mmmmm Yummy, *CRUNCH*... Ack! Wait, I think I broke a tooth!
You truly are a northern girl.
: )
NOOOOOO! I will not go gently into the goodnight that is winter. I refuse. NO DAMMIT!
What flavor? And NO...Im not ready for snow!
Yes, a bit early and more like the crap you get farther south. Like Indianapolis or thereabouts.
But hey! It meant VERY few people at the zoo and a good time for us!
Sounds delish.
It was friggin WINDY yesterday! This dang midwest needs to grow itself some hills and mountains or even a few more trees to block this wind!
Way too early. And thanks for the postcard!
There's snow in the forecast today but the temperatures are supposed to hit the 60's by the end of the week. Ah, Chicago weather. (*grumble*)
WM! Lost your email. Please resend. Have care package for you and need to ask a question. Amysue in Austin, Texas
um, it was seventy five here yesterday.
and will be all week.
SURE you don't want to move to the left coast?
Dear God I hate winter.
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