Wednesday, October 15, 2008

File under: Things that make me consider switching teams.

I have found my one, true soulmate, and he is spectacular...

Me. Ow.


Dr Zibbs said...

Jesus Christ! Dude cameltoe. All dudes are pigs. If I were a chick I would totally be a lez.

Moe Wanchuk said...

HAHAHAHA.....I'm in Tears!

Suze said...

Uncle Phil?

boredmando said...

Oh my.

vespadaddy said...

I can see he split the berries via the seam, but where's the twig?

And not to complain, but with a thorax like that, I would have expected a nicer set of moobs.

Lunch Buckets said...

I haven't had dinner yet. Suddenly not that hungry anymore either...

Bubs said...

Just a hunka hunka burnin'...something. Whew.

By the way, the picture you showed is , eh, compelling, but have you ever seen Pete "Big Elvis" Vallee at the Barbary Coast Casino in Las Vegas? He goes a good 4 or 5 spins, and does most of his set with his haunches perched on a stool. Great pipes, though--sounds just like early 70's Elvis.

John said...

I would have signed the photo for you if you had asked.

WendyB said...

I will fight you for him.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

That is some hideous man-toe.

dguzman said...

Thank god I'm gay.

Gwen said...

GROSS!!! That's more Tiny Elvis than I ever wanted to see.

John said...

Oh mah Gawd! What Franiam said.

H said...

I am considering using this as my desktop background at work to remind me a) to quit eating the junk at work and b) why I am not dating/having sex with just any ol' person ever again.
Thanks WM!!

Sornie said...

Two things.

Man cameltoe.

ANd fat Elvis probably poops gravy.

tobacco brunette said...

Doesn't that hurt? The stomach AND the balls...

Renaissance Woman said...

Oh my...ouch is right!

Stacy said...

And now the mystery of what ever happened to John Belushi has been answered. Overdose death? Nope. Stuck in Vegas at the buffets dressed as Elvis in spandex, yes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, man. Talk about cameltoe.