This time tomorrow I will hopefully be full of beignets, turtle soup and the kind of hurricanes that actually make you feel good.
Yup, my sweet little internet darlings, tomorrow morning I am off to New Orleans for a few days of hopefully warmer weather, no damn snow and food, food, glorious food.
I'll try and eat/drink something in your honor. And I'll take lots o'pictures. Promise.
Maybe I'll see y'all before Thursday, maybe I won't. I'm coy like that.
I'll miss you. Try and have a good week, my little deep fried crayfish balls.
the dungeon in new orleans
Could you try to raise a Voodoo Army of Zombies in my honor? That? Would totally rule.
Oh man. Watch out for those Hurricanes. I have never been sicker in my life. Then again, I never had so much fun, either.
One of my favorite places - have a great time!
I am incredibly jealous. I've always said that I was born in the wrong part of the country, New Orleans is my kind of town. The music, the food, the culture. . . Enjoy it for me, ok, my dearest Whiskey??
Have the most fabulously wonderful time ever, sweetie! Mwah!
Have a great time! My family on my dad's side are from New Orleans. Some of my best vacations were there! My sister is moving there next month.
Don't say crayfish in Louisiana. Enjoy!
deana- I was wondering if anyone would notice my "minnesotaism" there.
Don't worry- Not only will I not say the word- I won't eat the gross little things either.
Hooray for a WhiskeyMarie vacation! I'll be Fernando is pissed.
Can I come along? I swear you won't notice I'm even there.
Have fun!
If you see my friend "Sean in Nola" say hey to him for me. And then tell that bastard he needs to get back to work!
way down yonder in New Orleans.....
have fun
Have fun. Sorry I'll miss ya.
Have fun down there, you little mud-bug.
Ooo, enjoy. I'm headed there...but not until 2009 when its on my companies dime for a work related conference. Yeah I know I'm cheap like that ! ;)
Yay! Definitely have a ball... and a hurricane... followed by another... and yes, you can survive being barefoot in the French Quarter (don't ask me how I know, but I went to college in Baton Rouge, and that should explain much). Just say "Crawfish" and then let someone fry them for you and mmmmmmm... yumm!!
Lucky, lucky you! That place is magical.
Please have a beignet, a cafe au lait, and a Hurricane (or 2) for me!!
Hooray! Have fun, I am soooo jealous, New Orleans is certainly on my wish list. Enjoy! Eat! Drink! Take Photos! Drink! Dance! Yeah! I! AM! HYPER! VENT! ILATING!
My goal in that town: drink enough hand grenades to punch the guy dressed like a hand grenade.
Good times right there, enjoy WM.
I hope you have a wonderful time. Eat much, drink lots and party your booty off. I look forward to the pictures and hearing all about it.
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