Tagged by Fran, to write my memoir in six words. SIX WORDS. I can't even describe my toes in six words.
Let's see...pedicurally-challenged, angry, chipped polish, yuk.
O.k, I guess if I can sum up my toes, I can sum up the wonder that is me.
rules (stinking rules, always getting in the way)
1. Write your own six word memoir. 2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like. 3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post. 4. Tag five more blogs with links. 5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
Grandma was right about that girl
Remember, this is where tags go to die, so I am tagging no one. Sorry. Also, I love a good meme to fill a bout of writer's block, but I am going meme-free for a month (or more). the pressure is too much and it drives me to drink delicious cocktails. O.k, that's not so bad after all, but let's just say no tagging me for a bit. Love you.
I don't know if there can be a better six word memoir. Well done, my lady, well done.
In the dead of winter, it's perfectly acceptable to be pedicurally-challenged. That's what I'll tell my grandkids, after explaining all about Whiskeymarie.
I thought your memoirs could be summed up as "rules, always getting in the way."
I liked the "stinking," but it didn't fit in the stinking 6 word rule.
So what did Grandma say ?
I've taken a silent policy on never ever ,ever doing memes. Again. Ever.
Do your toenails grow so fast that the polish doesn't even have time to chip, or do you paint them that way? :)
Pedicurally-challenged and you hate socks (according to your profile over there on the left)? That's quite a predicament.
wow, this must have been very hard fro mcgone to view this post. I know he has a hatred for feet.
I am both spiritually and morally opposed to socks. Although often necessary, they will (in my opinion) bring about the fall of mankind someday.
And I am aware of the overall ugliness of my hooves.
Feet are icky.
Bravo. This was very well done!
My six word memoir: Learned to go with the flow.
What is a meme anyway? Before blogging, who had ever heard of such a thing? I must be completely out of the loop b/c I get no memes or tags. Either that, or my blog sucks. Whichever.
Stumbled across this blog this afternoon, and have been muffling snickers ever since. Seriously, the people on the train near me are a little werided out.
You're a lady after my own heart, and on Friday when I'm enjoying a Manhattan with my wings, I will raise an honorary toast to you.
My memoir? Pity I couldn't be more pithy.
You + me + Always Nails in Uptown + cocktails = soon.
My feet & a pedicure? Lipstick on a pig, my friend. My feet are BEYOND ugly to the point of "ooouuffff". Wuh.
6 words:
I've suddenly developed a foot fetish.
I agree that feet are icky and I see them as little more than a necessary evil to be attached to my legs in order to move.
Damn that.
BTW, I knew you do this my dear and do it well.
Someone buy this woman a drink.
PS - I am going meme free for awhile myself.
This was the right place to end it!
Best. Memoir. Ever.
I love it! But I hope grandma said good things about that girl...
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