Can't talk.
Work is kicking my ass hard until tomorrow.
Just a random oddity:
At the soup kitchen today where I volunteer (yep, you heard that right. Been doing it for a while- figured maybe I'd bank some bonus karma points for future use), I had another run-in with the tall guy that wears the short, SHORT jean shorts and mutters to himself. You know, the one I said could possibly be Cisco Adler's dad, judging by the frightening man-unit he seems have barely restrained in their denim prison? That guy?
Well today, he looked right at me and said:
"Avalanche dumptruck. Avalanche dumptruck."
Any thoughts?
Well, OBVIOUSLY he just witnessed a dump truck getting buried by an avalanche. During the first week of fall, no less. Call for help.
Maybe he just wasn't enunciating? Like, he meant, "I have a large dump truck?" And maybe "dumptruck" is a new euphemism for something? Maybe?
It's obvious. The man has a giant crush on you and just the mere sight of you causes him to utter nothing but nonsense.
Maybe he was trying to decide how to kill you...on a "skiing trip" (aka: abduction) or by just squashing you on the street.
Have I disturbed? I apologize.
Short shorts on guys are disturbing. I'm getting a bad mental image.
I'm thinking he probably had to use the bathroom. Although I also agree with Shannon Erin that he was just in awe of you and uttered the first thing that came to his head.
Maybe it's a premonition. Maybe there will be an avalanche caused by dumptrucks.
Or maybe it's the beginnings of a song he wrote from long ago.
I like worker mommy's premonition idea. And the needing to use the bathroom one.
Or he's nucking futs.
I don't know what it may mean to you but for some reason now my left arm is flapping and I can speak fluent Russian.
My advice, stay away from snow covered mountains, dumptrucks and if you can do it, most Republicans as well.
I can't tell you what it may or may not mean. But it sure did give me something good to say next time someone asks me a question I don't know or don't feel like answering. I'll just say," Avalanche Dumptruck."
yep, i'm thinking he was warning you of the impending avalanche of a dump he was getting ready to impart.
Agreed with thethinker, that's richard simmons there.
I googled the phrase and the only thing I found was from the Urban Dict. for Dominican Avalanche. Perhaps he was confused and muttered the wrong thing. If this is what he actually meant, then the definition suggests that he wants to "ejaculate in your hair and then throw you down the stairs". Let's hope the man just needed to take an avalanche sized dump. Otherwise he needs a good bitch slapping because that's just wrong. Where the hell do people come up with such stuff?
Oh, WM, please tell me you play some kind of instrument so we can start a band called "Avalanche Dumptruck." Because that? Would rawk.
Maybe he was trying to be profound by saying "Avalanches are God's version of dumptrucks." Modern day prophets will be found in the world's soup kitchens, IMO.
I hate to be pessimistic but it could be some sort of urban hex. You should definitely avoid snowy heights for a while. And trucks of all sorts.
I think FranIAm's advice is good not just because of the crazy guy, but as a general rule for life. Good luck with that.
All I can think is
1. WTF?
2. Get away from him. Now.
Oh I know that guy! Back when I lived in ID...16 years ago, there was an avalanch on a mountain road leading thru the snake river canyon. There was a dumptruck on the road, already dispatched to clear the fallen rock debris from the road. The avalanch buried the dumptruck with the driver still inside. Legend has it that the driver was trapped inside for days until bigfoot happened by and heard his screams. Inquisitive, Bigfood investigated and freed the driver from the truck. The truckdriver was so greatful, he gave Bigfoot his entire box of twinkies which had been the only food he had left to survive on. Bigfoot went off into the woods to share the twinkies with the littlebigfoots and the truckdriver was left to wander the wilderness for days until he was finally found wandering aimlessly. The only clothing he had left were a pair of very tight jeans, which he had cut off in his delerium. Eventually, he wound up living off the kindness of strangers, wandering on foot from town to town, state to state eating at soup kitchens all across the USA. Then next time you see him, just say "Bigfoot twinkie" and see his reaction. Report back to us. I'm curious what he will do.
Stacie- that's fucking hilarious.
Great story.
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