Friday, February 13, 2009

Oh, how silly of me- it seems that I have tripped and fallen into a vat of wine. My bad.

It seems I slipped yesterday and fell into a big 'ol pile of hangover.
This is what it looks like:

This is what my head currently feels like:

And the rest of me:

What I'm pretty sure I smell like:

What I will likely be requiring for lunch, after-lunch snack, and possibly dinner:

And this company will be seeing a boost in the price of it's stock due to the eleventy hundred that I will be consuming, "beer bong" style:

Happy Friday, my little cheeseburger marching bands. Let's be careful out there this weekend.
Happy Friday.


John said...

Ewwwww! To everything except the cheeseburger. And could I have a Coke Zero, please.

Some Guy said...

I know everyone has their own hangover cures, but I swear by this stuff called Brioschi, an Italian sort of Alka-Seltzer that has a surprisingly mild taste. It has worked for me every time. I think most drugstores have it.

Have a great weekend!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Holy jeebus, you do have big hands don't you. It's okay though, I still lurve you anyway.

Mommy Lisa said...

Two McDonald's Cheesburgers, no musturd or pickles, extra onions and extra ketchup and a GINORMOUS Coke.
Yup, that is the best hangover cure. Ever.

180|360 said...

What a shame that you don't have an In 'N Out Burger nearby!

Gwen said...

Only you could make a hang-over so funny. I can't promise I'll be careful this weekend. Sorry.

Kim said...

This was me, last Sunday! And the biggest reason why I don't usually drink - I can't stand the next day.
And I don't know why big greasy burgers are the best hangover cures, but for some reason they are. Hope you're feeling much better soon.

Nature Girl said...

YIKES! I hope you feel better soon! With any luck, I'll avoid the whole hangover thing this weekend. Then again..that pretty much means life will be boring...

T said...

Coneys. Or Egg McMuffins. I used to chow those Sunday mornings in college when I was working at Younkers.

My word verification was "ishie."

LegalMist said...

Wow, I guess Friday the 13th really *is* your unlucky day...

"Hang" in there... haha

No really, I hope you feel better soon.

Dr Zibbs said...

Hope you feel better Stinky.

Savitra said...

And you don't have kids... pace yourself, that's when you'll really be drinking big time ... for now, you are only practicing.

bereccah said...

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure...

take 1/2 of a unisom and three tylenol before passing out - right as rain in the AM. in a pinch, a benadryl will accomplish the same thing. bottoms up!

T.J. said...

Hope you feel better soon.

I did my drinking last night too, but happily, no overhang.


electricdaisy said...

I swear by a turkey-and-cheese lunchable when I'm hungover, and I usually don't eat the crackers. For some reason it just settles my stomach when nothing else will.

Keith said...

We actually had an old man down here that somehow tripped and fell into a grease trap as he was getting ready to clean it and drowned. Helluva a way to go, ain't it?

Stacy said...


Did you go out with Sweet M? You look like you need a Seven-Layer, stat!



ps) my verification word is mignon.

Ghost Dansing said...

red red wine.... UB40

WendyB said...

I know this feeling well.

Paige said...

apparently you and I have similar hangover cures--but you left out the totinos pizza and 4 hour nap

Anonymous said...

Soooo, how are you feeling this morning???!!!


Anonymous said...

My favorite cure: mac-n-cheese and Ovaltine. But only after about eleventy-hundred gallons of water first. Were you even lucky enough to pee once all day?! Did you pinch your skin and it stood up all by its lonesome?! Hope you are feeling better tonight. It seems the older you get, the longer it takes to recover, doesn't it?! This is one of those times when you'll surely miss those perky twenty-something days!!
~ Renata1967

Aunt Snow said...

Oh, so sorry! Funny how when you're hungover a sugary, fizzy, caffeine-filled Coke really hits the spot.

Hope you recover quickly!

Renaissance Woman said... relationships. Love any excuse to eat fast food and coke. Hope you feel better soon.