I get mail from all sorts of folks, today I'll show you a smattering of the joy I encounter each and every day when I wait for the mailman dressed in my most elegant eveningwear.
Our first letter comes from a fellow primate lover, it seems:

Well, Saco (is that pronounced saw-co or say-co?), I can appreciate a fellow monkey-lover as much as the next girl. Lord, how I love their funny faces and the way they jauntily fling their feces at us silly humans. Thing is, Saco- I can't say I've ever had sexual feelings towards a monkey- well, not unless you count the monkey from Every Which Way but Loose. Now THAT was a good-looking, sexy monkey- am I right girls? Am I right?
But honestly, Saco- I don't see this working out for us. I'm not into furries and I'm certainly not into poo-flinging primates- not in the bow-bow-chicka-bow sense, anyways. I'm sending you the number of your local zoo- maybe you will find the sweet, sweet monkey love that you are looking for there. Or you'll get arrested. Whatever- not my problem anymore.
My next letter comes from one of my younger fans. Well, at least I think it's from someone under the age of 10, judging from the handwriting, stickers, and faint scent of crayola crayons and glue emanating from the envelope:

Let me tell you, Becky, no matter why you're here, I welcome you. I enjoy the chance to mold a young mind, and I do indeed like unicorns and rainbows. By the time I'm done with you, you'll know how to make a perfect martini, you'll have mastered the art of picking your unders out of your bum in public places, and you'll probably have been arrested- but don't worry, you're still a juvenile so it's all good. Think of me as your mentor- your BFF, if you will. We have so much to do, Becky. Now go find Mommy's credit cards and use them take the first bus here- I'll be anxoiusly awaiting your arrival with many catalogs in hand. How do you feel about shopping, Becky...?
The next letter I found under my pillow this morning. I'm not sure how it got there, but it sure was a thoughtful gesture, whoever did it:

Ooh- I love when I get letters from friends!!! This next one is from my bestest girl, Gwen:

This next one was hand-delivered (OK, mouth-delivered) by my new doggie, Bubs this morning:

Finally, this last one was tucked into my mail yesterday. I think it might be from my hot mailman who (I suspect) has a gigantic crush on me:

Benny, Benny, Benny- ours is a forbidden love- we must look but not touch. Remember- last time I tried to touch you someone took out a restraining order on me. I know it wasn't you, silly. I'm sure it was your mean bosses at the Post Office. Hey, hasn't that thing expired by now? Hmmm...maybe I should see for sure tomorrow- what time can I expect to touch you?
Well, that's all the mail I have time for today, my little mail monkeys. Until our next installment...
Any correspondence/complaints/questions/boxes of candy can be sent to:
Whiskeymarie VonPartypants
666 Bubbles Terrace
St. Paul, MN 55666
*Whiskeymarie VonPartypants, Inc. in no way endorses bestiality, gratuitous nudity, sexually harrassing letter-carriers, or eating babies.
*WVP, Inc does, however, endorse giggling at dog's weiners. Weiners are funny. Tee-hee. Weiner.
My husband's a mailman, and the only time he's ever been greeted by someone wearing a bra and panties was when a transvestite had to sign for his package, so to speak.
I'll be grinning all day now.
Thanks for sharing your mail.
Does that make me a homophone?
i only get mail when i order things online, and im too poor to do that. at least i am the one to check the mail, so it feels like ive got an important big boy job when i deliver the roommate's mail to him.
I love it when you have too much time on your hands. : )
I think John is right - you may need to get back to work...
This entire post was freaking brilliant.
Your poor, penile challenged dog.
Bad times.
I think you're the best blogger out there, WM. Good writer, witty, good sense for food porn, really a weird person. You Go Girl!
You don't know shit about music, but I believe you may catch up on that.
Wow - I shan't be a lurker tonight!! You're in rare form when you get a little vacation in you!! You have remarkable talent to cheer me up when I have me some ragin' PMS. I'm sure my luv-vah boy will be thanking you later. And no - I didn't mean like thanking you "that way", I meant more like, "Thanks, WM. I was almost going to hide all of the kitchen knives from her before I went to bed tonight." kind of thanks!! Somewhere out there, Lorena Bobbitt's ears are a just-a ringin'. Thanks for the laughs!!Renata1967
Okay, I'll admit it.
"Becky" is my alias.
You made me snerk coffee through my nose.
I'm going to hold a national press conference and tell everyone about the teen-aged Chinese contortionist you keep caged in your basement if you don't stop.
I answer the door in the same outfit for my mailman. Your mailman is obviously a prude.
Well done. :)
Is it possible to hear more about the teen-aged Chinese contortionist you keep caged in your basement?
L-O-fuckin' L !
This is another Whiskey Classic, I'm gonna Twitter it and email the link to some seriously depressed friends who need a good laugh !
Oh, and Gwennie, I would be glad to accompany you to the next meeting of my "Infant Ingesters Anonymous" Chapter ! It's an excellent 12-Step program, by the 6th meeting, you are already scaled-down to only eating newborn kitties ! Incredible !
a ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! My Friday evening is complete. I heart you.
This post was funnier than any wiener I've ever seen! Well, except maybe that one...
I would actually check my mailbox if I got mail like *YOU* get!!! :)
My favorite quote of the day: 'Oh, Bubs. If you didn't want me laughing at your little funny weiner, then you shouldn't HAVE a little, funny weiner.' Ha ha ha... I forgot just how funny you are WhiskeyMarie :P
Once I had the misfortune of seeing a fully erect horse wiener and to this day it still crosses my mind at times, and depending on how I'm feeling I either giggle or gag.
How the hell did I miss this last week? Thank god that baby eater, er I mean Gwennie, pointed it out to us! You are hysterical.
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