Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weenie dogs, cocktails and meat, not necessarily in that order.

Three days and counting until I'm off from work until the third week of August. Finally I will have time to sew those bikinis and speedos for my furry roommates and lounge by the kiddie pool with margaritas and frozen Friskiescicles.

Until then, a few photos for y'all:

Bubbles in his favorite "Look at me! I'm naked!" pose, also the pose with maximum potential for belly rubs:

Out for a walk with the happiest dog on the planet:

Fresh-picked lavender from my garden, drying in the back porch:

The two best salsas on the planet from El Burrito Mercado...:

...Which we had with grilled bison flank steak, avocado, spicy black beans and queso fresco:

The raw materials for making trouble:

The finished product- very tart margaritas with mint:

My newly-acquired 2nd-degree burn that looks much nastier in person. So very glad I'll be going through the entirety of sleeveless season with a large burn scar on my arm- classy!:

Trouble's new favorite dog-free resting spot: on top of the microwave that is on top of the fridge:

The End, for today.

Happy scorching-hot (here, anyways), sweaty Tuesday, my spicy lime no no spots. Happy Tuesday.



i am playing outside said...

i'll be right over for a drink. i'll bring the chips for the salsa, unless you prefer to just use our hands

BallerinaToes said...

It looks like a good time was had by all...except your poor arm. Ouch. I had a cat that liked to hang out on top of fridge...and I never stopped being surprised when I walked into the kitchen she was peering down at me from her perch. Like a freakin' gargoyle.

Stacey said...

Bubs and Casey have the same favorite position. We've taken to calling her slutty she's on her back and spread eagled so much.

Sure we get that it's for maximum belly rubs and happily oblige but we also think we're quite funny.

Sorry about your arm. I hear bling bandages provide relief ;)

Kate said...

I hate to ask this, because it's such a horrible question, but does the arbol salsa taste like the hot salsa at Chipotle? I cannot tell you how many batches of salsa with chile de arbol I have made, just to appease The Mr. If EBM's taste's similar, I am heading my Jeep south to WSP!

Man, that dog is smiling huge. Your little dog has actually warmed my heart toward little dogs. Yay!

SkylersDad said...

ouchy! I hope your arm is better soon, and thanks for the pet photos. I love 'em!

Imnotbenny said...

Dogs are lucky- it's not fair that if I lounge around like that and put pics up to show everyone how laid back I am I'm labeled a perv.

WendyB said...

Ouch! Your arm!

Dr Zibbs said...

I like your dog but I think you should have had a naming contest for him.

My name for him is Bubbles.

Keith said...

I tried lying in that maximum belly rubbing position myself a few times but had to quit cuz I popped a vertebrae out of alignment.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

We are living in Seattle-Hell! It has not stopped raining for a month here and it is freaking freezing.

Enjoy it. And that grilled bison flank steak looks yummy...

Failcooks said...

I totally clicked on the doggie photo to see if the full frontal would appear. What is wrong with me?

John said...

Don't you always have burn scars on your arms?

Luisa Perkins said...

I'm slavering over the meat photo. YUM.

I love your excellent censorship skillz. That first photo is to die for.

Mommy Lisa said...

I did not need a bike ride in the rain for a sweaty crack today..


Renaissance Woman said...

Burn looks like it hurts...hope it heals quicly. Would love to share one of your drinks while eating that food! Yum!!!!

Lollie said...

Does your husband know how damned lucky he is? I want to eat at your house...

Kim said...

Of all the goodness in this post, I am thrilled at the idea of the microwave on top of the fridge. I have almost no counter space - why did I never think of that!? You can better believe I will try to implement this immediately.
And damn do I love upside down dogs.

Gwen said...

I sure wish Bubs was the dog who had moved in next door yesterday instead of the snarling, barking, two-different-colored-eyes freakazoid that did. I already hate that dog.

Fancy Schmancy said...

The cats still haven't figured out they're bigger, huh? Too funny. Sorry about the burn, margaritas should help nicely!

Anonymous said...

Bubs is one lucky pup! So are Pooter, Trouble and of course the Mr.!

I went to Petsmart Sunday and there were a bunch of dogs and cats that needed to be adopted. Very sad.

Hope your arm heals quickly.


ElectricDaisy said...

Massage the scar with Vitamin E oil! That will make it lighter/less pronounced, especially if you make keloid scars (I couldn't tell if it was by the pic).

Stefanie said...

You do not have to go to work for TWO WHOLE MONTHS? I am ridiculously jealous. Enjoy.

Distributorcap said...

why are you off for 2 months

can i come play

Landis said...

you know, dogs are the best.

after margaritas.

and self-mutilation.


nicole ritchie didn't react that way when i brought it up . . .

Amaya said...

Fresh lavender is one of my favorite smells. I am pretending to inhale your picture right now.