Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who knew that one could wage war while simply sitting on one's ass, typing furiously?

Well folks, somehow I managed to win my Quixote-esque battle against the corporate powers that be.  I'm still not entirely sure how it happened, since my eyes and brain are glazed over from sitting in front of the com-pu-tor for the last 5+ days exchanging ridonkulous e-mails & phone calls (Oh! the phone calls!) with various tech support people and rifling through mountains of crap in my desk/house to find long-forgotten log-ins, passwords, and my first born cat's blood type (Q-positive).  I'll tell you the story once I figure out a way to re-launch Ms. Whiskeymarie VonPartypants without severe rug burns or acute loss of underpants. 

I guess I'm back? 

(If anyone cares, I'm still keeping Marietimesthree.com.  Not sure where I'm going with it yet, but feel free to add it to your reader/daily perusals/FBI watch list, if you are so inclined.)


SkylersDad said...

I have both sites bookmarked and in my google reader because I am a stalker, er, fan like that!

Padre Mickey said...

I knew you'd be back!
¡Felicidades en tu victoria!

Some Guy said...

Way to fight the power, WM!

Ricky Shambles said...

Miss a day or two...miss a lot? Geez. Glad to see you're back, and now I can't wait to hear the saga!

lisahgolden said...

Oh dear lord. I purchased lisahgolden.com but have not a clue what to do with it. I want to hear about your adventure before I attempt to connect it to my current url with blogger.

Ricky Shambles said...

Oh, and Lisa & Whiskey, hit me up at my email on my profile if you ever have any questions about web stuff, URLs, websites, Blogger, search engine optimization, etc. I pay the bills running my "real life" business doing all those things and would be happy to give free advice and consulting to the end of time!

lisahgolden said...

Excellent, Ricky! Thanks!

John D. said...

Where the hell do you keep the toilet paper on this blog?

Catherine said...

Woohoo! Damn the man. Save the empire!

Jen Nuessen said...

Hooray because we all LOVE WHISKEY!!!

Devilham said...

Yaaaaaaaaaeh!!!!! Now I don't have to change my blogroll!!!! Hurray for procrastination!!!!!

Glad your back girly girl.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for you! Power to the people!

and all that stuff.

Happy you're keeping the name.


Anonymous said...

I still have an entire year of your old posts to read! I just started 2009, please bring them back if you can! Work is so boring without you.......

Whiskeymarie said...

Anon- until I get them back, go to marietimesthree.com for them- I have them all there.

Anonymous said...

Me = Stupid and didnt check the new site before posting my last comment. Phew. :D

Charm City Barfly said...

Ok, so you ARE using this blog account, right? I'll update my blogroll :-) You confusing girl, you.

Stacey said...

I'm confused and my head hurts. Where am I supposed to be now ?

P.S...I think partpantscentral.com would have been much more suitable or ifyoudontreadthisurasnatch.com

Think about it you know , just in case.
