Thursday, November 19, 2009

Is it December yet? Is it December yet? Is it December yet? Is it...

It's official: In December I will be jetting (or Southwest Airlines-ing, but that really doesn't sound as glamorous now, does it?) to Chicago for a one-night stand with my bestest twatmonkey, GWEN!!!!!

Remember last time we met up?


I'm so freaking excited I could pee...

...oops. Nevermind.

(And Gwen, just because I called this a "one-night stand" doesn't mean you can roofie me and leave me in the dumpster with the feral cats like you did last time, OK?)

Hmmm...I wonder how many costumes I can fit in my carry on?



SkylersDad said...

Your readers demand video this time!

Dr Zibbs said...

Sweet. And if can you take a picture holding a "Google This: That Blue Yak" sign in front of a Chicago Landmark that I can then use as my Twitter Wallpaper?

Or a picture of Gwens nipple.

Gwen said...

Woman, you crack me up! Thanks for giving me the more awesome tiara. You know how I prefer silver to gold. You're so good to me.

To steal a quote from McGone*: "Sweet Fancy Moses! Can Chicago handle that much concentrated Awesome?
If this is the consolation prize for losing the Olympic bid earlier
this year, then we are truly the winners I say."

I'm already brainstorming about what we can poop in!

*I emailed him to see if our lover, Fernie, could come out and play. Seems Fernie will be in 'Nam pretending to be Hanoi Jane but The McG might be available. Talk about consolation prizes . . .

Stephanie said...

Let's see, crowns, dumpsters, feral cats AND roofies?

where do I sign up for this road trip?!?!?!

you sound like my kind of chicks!!!

have fun! I love Chicago!

Cora said...

No. Way.

I'll be flying on Southwest to Chicago in December too. But I'll be running amok with Scope, not Gwen this time.

It's okay though. Last time I saw Gwen she honked my boobs and the memories of that still linger fondly, so I'm good.

Now I'm gonna go 'cuz you've got me wondering how many.... uhhh.... "costumes" I can fit in my carryon too.... Hmmm....

Anonymous said...

Cool! So we all can look forward to whatever your imagination might interpret as THE original "twatmonkey" costume?! I'm sure it will involve some kind of creative pooping genius too - complete with maybe some fake wooden toilet seats from the early 80's genre?!
~ Renata1967

Gwen said...

BTW, I think I look like Lou Ferrigno in that picture. Don't make me mad, I'll bust out of those clothes and turn green.

Kim said...

I'd tell you girls to behave, but let's face it: I'd never tell you girls that.
Cannot wait for photographic evidence!!!

Shanster said...

There is nuthin' like getting away and upping the estrogen notch a few... Have a fabulous time!

Stacey said...

I'm asking the same question but for different reasons. Mah berfday is in December and I'm going to Vegas baby!

Y'all twats have a slice of cake doused in rum for me.

And please don't get arrested.

Suze said...

I see a lot of fun on the horizon. Also a lot of liver damage :)