So far, two-aught-ten has been a mixed bag of random stuff- kind of like when you throw a cheerleading squad, a high school math team, six performance artists, a case of vodka, and three goats into a room together for two weeks with only three packs of american cheese and a burlap sack of rutabagas to sustain them. No one knows what the fuck is going to come of that nonsense, nor do I know what the fuck two-aught-ten will have in store for Senorita Happypants, a.k.a. Me.
Obviously, you know I was ousted from the VonPartypants throne, if you read my last post. I'm remarkably OK with it. I've since decided to start my own monarchy on the private island that I created by flooding my back yard and floating 20,000 stuffed animals in the water. It's pretty much a frozen fuzzy tundra right now, but come spring I plan on building a luxury hotel and day spa on it. All hail the Queen! Make your reservations now! No coupons!
I'm back at work after a 20 day break- yes, I know I'll be getting no pity from y'all. Oddly, I'm kind of relieved to have some sort of structure in my life again- while I still managed to do a bunch of fun stuff and get a few things done around the house, I spent an astounding amount of time in shapeless stretchy pants talking to the cats and watching things like "The Golden Girls". I suspect that if I had another week or so off that I would have quit bathing entirely, developed a new language involving variations on grunting, started saving my toenail clippings under my pillow, and probably would have gotten myself placed a notch higher on the FBI's "watch list." I never thought I'd be the one to say it, and I'm sure my tune will have changed the minute I hit "publish" for this post, but it's good to be back at work.
I also started "running", and chose to start this endeavor while we had a string of days where the high temperature for the day regularly hovered in the -10 range. Why I'm "running" is beyond me, and why I'm choosing to put "running" in quotation marks only further illustrates my confusion with the topic. All I know is that "running" (so far) is completely hellish and entertaining at the same time. Never before did I think that I would enjoy something that simultaneously makes me want to vomit, and makes me want to sing happy songs. Well, something where alcohol isn't involved, anyways. We'll see how this "running" thing goes.
I finally have a new desk in the dining room, I currently have my buttocks firmly planted in my new chair as I type. I got tired of being tucked into a corner in the guest room, and now I can better monitor domestic cat/dog relations while I search for the best price for irregular dungarees on Amazon. My sweet new corner of the world:
So, a few new things for a new year, which is as close to resolutions as I'm comfortable with. Resolutions make me all itchy in my no-no bits, similar to a crab infestation. That's fun for nobody involved, trust me.
Happy Thursday, my pudding-butted little fun bugs. Happy Thursday.
I quite enjoy your little dining office. It is quite high end. Very chic. Lets drink and google things there.
"Running" is actually quite fun, I've found. It can become so fun that you start entering yourself in what I like to call "races," particularly of the "5k" variety. I'm not sure what "5k" stands for; I think it's some unit of distance measure, but no one has quite been able to explain it to me in a way that I understand that doesn't involve potatoes and kittens.
I "run" sometimes too. Nice new banner, but why the prohibition on yellow snow? Do you object to lemon flavoring?
Well I'll be durned. I started "running" too. I was (maybe still am) determined to run in the breast cancer walk in support of me mum. But about 3 weeks in got shin splints. And I didn't like the ass jiggle much either. Yeah I suck.
My sis is like crazy runner...doing such things as 50 milers and such for fun. I often can't believe we're from the same family.
Love your little corner and glad to hear you're "running." We ain't gettin any younger sister. Take care of that hot bod!
I'm SO loving your little corner of the world you little HGTV maven you!
btw: I'm quite intrigued by the picture on the wall beside your desk... Are those photos of hands signing?... Veddy cool!
If I ever move out of this crappy hole I'm living in, maybe move into a big kid's house someday...I want you to come and decorate it.
good luck with the "running"....I use to do this too, now my knees are fucked so I just shoot stuff. Pistol shooting is totally a "sport." Look it up.
Love the new writing corner- particularly the chair.
Glad to see you posting again. We missed you. :)
I'd like to reserve a room overlooking the stuffed pink bunny please.
Dude. You have 20,000 stuffed animals? How freaking big is your back yard?
I only run if someone is chasing me with a stick... or I'm late for dinner. But I'm happy for YOUR "running"!
Be the bug, be the bug, be the bug. I'm tryin' but this winter I'm sucked down by the cold and dark... uck.
Lurve the colours, lurve the corner. Happy writing lady!
I am always trying to not be superstitious anymore, so hang it - I will leave the 13th comment.
Run, Whiskey! Run for me and the others who can't. I get to the gym with some degree of frequency, and I swim and do water aerobics and Pilates, but I'm lucky to walk without falling down (often). So don't feel sorry for me/us (other people who can't run), but run just 'cause you CAN!
I don't know why but every time I think about you running I picture Phoebe from friends "running" with Rachel in Central Park.
That's a lie; I totally know why. It's because you're a big dork.
oooh! Love your new space...very chic! "running" huh? So then you'll come out here and run a half marathon with me in June? We'll drink wine afterwards..it'll be fun!
happy new year, doll! xoxoxoxo
I love your office! Maybe you could come and decorate my house now that I have seen your work! LOVE IT!!!
SCHWEET, SCHWEET new corner! : )) ...though I'm surprised that little desk hideaway isn't stocked with liquor and Cheetos.
P.S. - if your Vikings go to the Super Bowl, I'm partying and flopping at your house.
I tried "running" but my knees "exploded."
And by the way, no thanks to your vikings for kicking my cowboys' little asses.
I know what you mean about 2010 starting off with a strange mix of YAY! and SUCK. I'm choosing to believe the YAY! will overcome the SUCK for the remainder of the year. I'll let you know that works out for me.
I love your corner and the color on the walls is BUTTAH DAHLINK.
I have finally read all your back posts; love your new hallway- I'd never have thought of the silver paint- and your menagerie. BTW, I think Bubs is a Miniature Pinscher. I had a reddish brown MinPin who was quite a character. Thanks for your blog!
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