Can't say I've ever thought of bacon in a sexual way before...
I hate posting videos, but holy hell- this is my new favorite song and video of all time: *So very not safe for work, kiddos. I don't think I'd watch it with Grandma either, unless she's into that sort of thing.
This is the rap song I would have written and produced if my artistic talent had been discovered before I was declared legally insane. Just one more item on my list of regrets. As Homer Simpson would say: Mmmmm, bacon.
2010 has become the year of BACON. I have let it come back into my home - DAMN YOU COSTCO and your tasty bacon at low low prices.
My friends made like 6 lbs of it for breakfast New Year's day and on Boo Boo's birthday I made a salad that was basically broccoli and bacon. The main dishes were PRIME RIB and HAM, or as Boo Boo calls it, BACON STEAK.
You've never thought of bacon in a sexual way because you probably didn't have the billboard advertising campaign that Canada had. It was a guy making out with a girl as he bent her over a BBQ. The slogan was 'Pork... The One You Love.'
Oh, P.S. This is where I'll fumbling inarticulately from here on out.
We're going to see those bacon dresses all up and down the red carpet at the next awards show, aren't we?
They are onto something with the bacon Tic-tacs.
Great. Now I am hungry and aroused.
(and salty)
A rare video that leaves you both horny & hungry!
I do crazy things for bacon. Well, not appearing in a video about it, but other stuff :)
OMG. I love it. Wonder if Punchline Walking has seen this??
This is the rap song I would have written and produced if my artistic talent had been discovered before I was declared legally insane. Just one more item on my list of regrets.
As Homer Simpson would say: Mmmmm, bacon.
Hey...Just wanted to thank you for plugging my video. I am the Indian in the egg costume!!! Really appreciate your support!!!!
Venk Modur
Uhhhhh...mmm....bacon. Crumbs in bed, though.
But I would never ever eat Beggin Strips.
Canadian bacon baby!! YEEAHHHHH! (eh?)
for you:
2010 has become the year of BACON. I have let it come back into my home - DAMN YOU COSTCO and your tasty bacon at low low prices.
My friends made like 6 lbs of it for breakfast New Year's day and on Boo Boo's birthday I made a salad that was basically broccoli and bacon. The main dishes were PRIME RIB and HAM, or as Boo Boo calls it, BACON STEAK.
That video made me hungry.
That is way inappropriate and I'm highly offend...
Wait I can't even type that out with a straight face.
Please post more inappropriate videos of food.
Did one of those evil children at your school kill you and bury you under the classroom? Where are you? Post!
You know I can't quit you.
You've never thought of bacon in a sexual way because you probably didn't have the billboard advertising campaign that Canada had. It was a guy making out with a girl as he bent her over a BBQ. The slogan was 'Pork... The One You Love.'
Oh, P.S. This is where I'll fumbling inarticulately from here on out.
Yummy...did it for me!
I lost it right at "bacon on my finger as I'm giving you the shocker"
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